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送交者: 绿野仙人 2020年04月16日23:20:19 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

你们这些蠢逼还看不出来那个人一直在骗你们吗? 你们真够蠢的.

Facebook 'Fact Checker' Worked At Wuhan Biolab; Ruled Out Virus-Leak While 'Debunking' Articles

A Facebook fact checker who has 'debunked' articles suggesting that COVID-19 may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) has a giant conflict of interest; she worked at the institute - which is now suspected of accidentally leaking the hyper-virulent virus which has killed over 130,000 people and cast the global economy into chaos.

Danielle Anderson, who works at Duke University's NUS Medical School lab in Singapore, also contributes to Science Feedback - which Facebook has been using to slap "False Information" labels on articles claiming that COVID-19 may have originated at the Wuhan institute - where Anderson worked with bat coronavirus.

A quick search of Anderson's publications reveals no fewer than nine collaborations with Dr. Peng Zhou - a Wuhan scientist experimenting on bat coronavirus (the mention of whom may result in a Twitter ban).

Anderson has been adamant that the lab adheres to the highest standards of safety, and that COVID-19 simply couldn't have accidentally been leaked by her colleagues.

"I have worked in this exact laboratory at various times for the past 2 years. I can personally attest to the strict control and containment measures implemented while working there," Anderson writes in one such 'debunking' of a New York Post article that claims "China [is having] a problem keeping dangerous pathogens in test tubes where they belong" while Science Feedback cast doubt on the Post's claim that "evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 research being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

Except, they were carrying out SARS-CoV-2 research at that exact lab, according to new reports in the Wall Street Journal, the Daily Mail and Fox News.

An April 9 report in the Journal reveals that COVID-19 is genetically identical to a coronavirus found in a horseshoe bat "collected by hazmat-clad scientists from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan."

While a Wednesday report from Fox News reveals that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that "patient zero" was an employee who became infected before spreading it throughout the community, according to 'multiple sources who have been briefed on the details.'

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