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送交者: 白茶 2020年04月26日20:12:31 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


我的脸书,网络日记 ,乃至很多个注册在各个网站的笔名,都被这个人以骇客形式,改变了密码。他限制了我在网上的发言。就怕我对外公开了他的信息。


Please help.
I have been trapped in home for more than 1 years and 5 months since December of 2018 by a fake monk.
He is planning to jail me forever.
Not only His created-by-mind being rapes me, but also brings other created-by-mind beings gang rape me.
They sucked my kundalini energy.
He's been using his super-natural power to pinch and hurt me, and he appears very happy when abusing me.
He said a lot of horror stories to mentally torture me.
He threated me to suck me dry to give me uremia.
I filed a complaint with the Police and he tried to kill me using Tibetant Bon's super-natural methods.
I cannot sleep and eat in regular time, because he wanted to make me unhealth.
He forced me to commit sucide seven times.
He used super-natural power to control me and my family, leading to them to send me to hospital.
He tortured me at his will. I am depressed all the time.
He threaten to kill my whole family and to suck energies out of my family
He threaten also to use same super-natural method to imprison my family, so I will become his slave.
He's been using this same super-natural method to imprison and torture others.
I believe you know which fake monk I am talking about here.
Please save me and my family.
My Tibetant Dharma name is Zhaxi la mo ..I live U S A , New Jersey.



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