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Nanortalik, the Spectacular in Greenland(壮丽的绿地岛熊镇)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2023年10月03日13:44:09 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2023-08-24  National Waffle Day

【Greenland (2019)】


            I want to buy Greenland.

            Hey, this is fun!

            I will turn the island into

            State fifty-one.

            They say ice is melting.

            Bah! That's okay.

            When you mine and drill on the land,

            Ice gets in the way.


            I am going to buy Greenland.

            You just wait and see.

            I dare anybody

            To say "NO!" to me.

            I can't wait to get my

            Hands on all that gold,

            Oil, copper, lead, and zinc.

            I WON'T be undersold.


            I plan to buy Greenland

            With all its wolves and seals

            And polar bears and penguins.

            I'm so good at deals.

            Polar bears will make terrific

            Rugs. I don't care!

            What? You say there are no penguins?

            I will bring some there.


            So I want to buy Greenland.

            Is THAT unorthodox?

            It should be so easy;

            You know money talks.

            Tell me: how could there be

            Objections to my plan?

            The whole world loves me;

            I'm their favorite man.


            I am buying Greenland.

            I'm sure you've heard reports.

            I'll construct my tower AND

            I'll build some big resorts.

            Greenlanders will love being

            Part of my domain.

            If anybody loses here,

            Their loss will be my gain.


            I can't wait to buy Greenland.

            This is not a ruse.

            I'll give them an offer--

            One they can't refuse.

            If the Danes say "No," I'll

            Do what I've done before:

            I'll just have to start another

            Blasted tariff war.


            I want to buy Greenland,



—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——









        呸! 没有关系。























































Today in History(历史上的今天):

2018: Nanjing—Brotherly Affection, China(南京—手足情深)

2018: Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Rail, China(沪宁高铁线)

2017: Alpine Waterfront Towns, Swiss(瑞士阿尔卑斯山寨水乡)

2017: Einsiedeln—Abbey & Cheesemaking, CHE(瑞士艾因西德伦—修道院与奶酪工艺)

2017: Alpine Potpourri, Swiss(瑞士阿尔卑斯山旅行见闻)

2017: Lucerne—Pilatus the Dragon Mtn,  CHE(瑞士卢塞恩—龙山皮拉图斯峰)

2017: Lucerne—Heart of the Country, Swiss(瑞士卢塞恩─大地原点)

2015: Great Wall, Beijing(北京万里长城)

2014: Reunion w/ Old Friends(老友重逢)


2023-08-24_Tasermiut Fjord Loomed by Clouds & Fog-60001.JPG

2023-08-24_Caribben Princess Moored Offshore-10001.JPG

2023-08-24_Rocky Summits Risen above a Narrow Glacial Inlet-2M0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Iceberg_Drafted of Icebergs by in the Fjord past the Colorful Houses0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Rounded Landscape after ice Movement essentially stripped away any pre-existing soil_ & altered V-shaped into U-shaped valleys_M0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Cemetery under 2 Mtn Peaks of Qaqqarsuasik and Quassik-10001.JPG

2023-08-24_Tasermiut Fjord @ Quiet and Far-Flung Corner of the Globe-6M0001.JPG

2023-08-24_An Idyllic Paradise w Fields of Colorful Flowers_M0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Old Colonial Quarter_M0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Nanortalik Church Consecrated in 1916-2M0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Outdoor Folk Museum0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Outdoor Museum_Anchor0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Stone of Knud Rasmussen_  the 1st European to Cross the Northwest Passage via Dog Sled0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Outdoor Museum_Cannon Guns0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Outdoor Museum_Artifacts from the Old Inuit Culture & the Norse Settlements of 982 AD_ Including Turf Huts & Fur boats0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Outdoor Museum_Household Items0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Outdoor Museum_World’s Oldest Umiak (Sealskin Boat)0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Youth Hostel0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Public Housing0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Town Hall w a Scuplture of Minke Whale0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Lanscape Sculptured over Hundreds of Thousands of Years by the Movement of Glacial Ice-10001.JPG

2023-08-24_Massive Boulder Cracked Ppen by the Frost0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Drikkevands Dirnking Water Supply Area0001.JPG

2023-08-24_FIFA Sponsored Soccer Field0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Inuit_School Kids0001.JPG


2023-08-24_Inuit Family0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Inuit_School Girls in Front of Blue Wooden Texture0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Inuit_School Girls in Fund Raise0001.JPG

2023-08-24_Plant_Dwarf Fireweed (Young Girl)_ Natl Flower of Greenland-10001.JPG

2023-08-24_Saddle-back Seal Meat0001.JPG



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