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也谈关于歧视,种族歧视,Institutional racism
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也谈关于歧视,种族歧视,Institutional racism





基于现实的冲突理论,社会认同理论, Rubin&Hewstone区分了三种类型的歧视[3]



3为了准确测量和反映群体内部分层结构差别的Consensual discrimination


种族歧视racial discrimination

实际在学术领域在种族主义 racism上没有达成共识定义。种族主义和种族歧视(Racism and racial discrimination经常被用来指基于独立个体,民族或文化差异的基础上描述一个种族。[5]



很含蓄的说法,但从学术上说,就是racial discrimination在言语中不自觉的流露,不过我们每个人或多或少都会犯这种错,但在专业学术领域是不能犯这种错的。


According to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,

the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public lif

--  UN International Convention on the Elimination of All of Racial Discrimination, New York 7 March 1966




Institutional racism



是属于Institutional racism但不是由法律,政策造成的,类型属于为了准确测量和反映群体内部分层结构差别的Consensual discrimination。是学术分析参考。大部分社会学者都会从事这类分析研究工作,是否正确,还待各相关学科广泛讨论,不是社会学说的算。


上帝 要惩罚人类,有时来一个荒年,有时来一次瘟疫或战争,有时产生一个道德家,抱有高尚得 一般人实现不了的理想,伴随着和他的理想成正比例的自信心和煽动力,融合成不自觉的骄


[1].Discrimination is the prejudicial and/or distinguishing treatment of an individual based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated.

--"--discrimination, definition". Cambridge Dictionaries Online. Cambridge University. Retrieved 29 March 2013.

 [2]Moral philosophers have defined discrimination as disadvantageous treatment or consideration. This is a comparative definition. An individual need not be actually harmed in order to be discriminated against. He or she just needs to be treated worse than others for some arbitrary reason.

--Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, “Private Discrimination: A Prioritarian, Desert-Accommodating Account”, San Diego Law Review, 43, 817-856 (2006); Oscar Horta, “Discrimination in Terms of Moral Exclusion”, Theoria: Swedish Journal of Philosophy, 76, 346-364 (2010).

 [3]Based on realistic-conflict theory and social-identity theory, Rubin and Hewstone have highlighted a distinction among three types of discrimination:

Realistic competition is driven by self-interest and is aimed at obtaining material resources (e.g., food, territory, customers) for the in-group (e.g., favouring an in-group in order to obtain more resources for its members, including the self).

Social competition is driven by the need for self-esteem and is aimed at achieving a positive social status for the in-group relative to comparable out-groups (e.g., favouring an in-group in order to make it better than an out-group).

Consensual discrimination is driven by the need for accuracy[clarification needed] and reflects stable and legitimate intergroup status hierarchies (e.g., favouring a high-status in-group because it is high status).

--Sherif, M. (1967). Group conflict and co-operation. London: Routledge.

Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C. (1979). An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. In W. G. Austin & S. Worchel (Eds.), The social psychology of intergroup relations (pp. 33–47). Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole

.Rubin, M., & Hewstone, M. (2004). Social identity, system justification, and social dominance: Commentary on Reicher, Jost et al., and Sidanius et al. Political Psychology, 25, 823-844.

[4]--United Nations CyberSchoolBus: What is discrimination?

 [5]--Reilly, Kevin; Kaufman, Stephen; Bodino, Angela (2003). Racism : a global reader. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe. pp. 5–6. ISBN 978-0-7656-1060-7.

[6]Sociologists Noël A. Cazenave and Darlene Alvarez Maddern define racism as “...a highly organized system of 'race'-based group privilege that operates at every level of society and is held together by a sophisticated ideology of color/'race' supremacy.

--Cazenave, Noël A.; Darlene Alvarez (1999). "Defending the White Race:White Male Faculty Opposition to a White Racism Course" Race and Society 2. pp. 25–50.

Sellers and Shelton (2003) found that a relationship between racial discrimination and emotional distress was moderated by racial ideology and public regard beliefs.

[7] Institutional racism describes any kind of system of inequality based on race. It can occur in institutions such as public government bodies, private business corporations (such as media outlets), and universities (public and private).-- "The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, Report of an inquiry by Sir William MacPherson of Cluny (The MacPherson Report): Chapter 6". The Stationery Office. February 1999. Retrieved 6 January 2011.










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