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送交者: xpt 2018年09月21日08:04:46 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

美国今天宣布对中国解放军总装备部以及部长进行经济制裁。这包括不允许总装进入美国, 禁止同美国金融机构有任何交流, 以及强制性对他们在美国有管辖权限内的资产进行扣押。

BEIJING Sept 21, 2018-- China said Friday it was "outraged" over U.S. economic sanctions against a Chinese military agency and its director over the purchase of Russian fighter jets and surface-to-air missile equipment. China's foreign ministry demanded the U.S. cancel the measure, as Moscow also lambasted the sanctions and warned that the Trump administration was "playing with fire."

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said Beijing had lodged stern complaints with Washington over the action, which triggers a ban on entering the U.S., forbids conducting transactions with the U.S. financial system and forces the blocking of all property and interests in property within U.S. jurisdiction.

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