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1st Day @ Lavner Camp(记拉沃尔营第一天)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月15日08:05:22 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

       My heart was pounding as I hopped off Mom's car, for it was my first day at Lavner Video Game Design. The program was new to GA (Germantown Academy) summer camp, so I decided to see what it was all about.

        The first person I met was the instructor, Dan. He was one of those casual, easy-going guys. As I rounded a corner, I literally smacked into Dan's assistant, Ricky. He looked a lot like Dan, but instead of a smile, a large frown sat on his face. I was wondering what the bad news was. But before I could think about it, I entered the computer room. Immediately, my mouth popped open. The room contained five long tables stacked with computers iOS6 and up. It was then that I realized that there were other children in the room and that I was looking like a complete dork. So with a lot of effort, I managed to shut my mouth.

        A few moments later, Ricky marched into the room, followed by Dan. They walked to pass the tables checking each Desk-Top and partnering us up. I didn't even have time to introduce myself before we were asked to open up a window called Multi-Fusion 2. It was blank screen with a toolbar to the left and a game selection on the bottom. I tapped the game selection as Dan instructed, pulling up a new window listed with games from Brick-Break to Super Mario Bros. The game instructed was Space Invaders. Immediately, the screen became a white slate. In the toolbar section, there was an endless list of aliens. A box was used for the conditions. I still had no clue what the condition box did, but I was sure we were going to find out. Before I was able to explore, we were told to save our work and leave for lunch.

      After being refreshed from recess, I sat down and turned on the computer. Ricky explained that to begin, we needed to select our own ship. Then, we placed three rows of aliens. Next, Dan taught us how conditions worked. Conditions were how the player moved, how the enemy shifted, how things blew up, and lives, scores, and bosses. Conditions made the game a game. After we entered the basics that allowed us to move, shoot, and kick alien butt, we were told to add a few finishing touches including a barrier shield and a boss that could blast you to atoms. I could finally feel the game coming together. My first video game is almost complete!

       Next, we added a high score board. It was then commanded that when we blew up every alien, or we exploded in glorious HD (which I prefer not to), the game would save our scores listed from greatest to least. I played through Space Invaders a few times to check for flaws in the game. But I got carried away and played until we were told to shut down.

        I saved the game and got my bags. I felt like walking in quicksand, each step harder than the last. I really didn't want to go. I was still thinking about it when I hopped aboard Mom's car. Before I realized it, GA was already fading into the distance.



        我遇到的第一个人是教员丹,他穿戴简单为人随和。走过拐角时,我又撞见丹的助理瑞奇。瑞奇很像丹,但不爱笑,一副愁眉苦脸的样子,好像大难临头。来不及多想,我已经走进教室。一进教室,我立刻惊喜万状,五个长桌上摆满了苹果移动操作系统6以上的计算机,这时我才注意到房间里还有其他孩子 ,自己像个傻子似的好不容易镇定下来。





2013-09-02_Outside In0001.JPG

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