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The Most Admired Person"(记最崇拜的人)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月23日13:28:21 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English

        Thomas Jefferson was a great man. He accomplished a lot of feats that we couldn't even hope to achieve. Unlike other great people, Thomas was famous for many things. This is why I look up to him.

        Thomas Jefferson was an amazing inventor. He loved inventing and was a genius. He designed and changed many products, for example, the dumbwaiter, moldboard, wheel cipher, and spherical sundial. The dumbwaiter consisted of a series of tiers of shelves set on casters to enhance the lifter. The new plow was reduced the resistance when a curved moldboard turned the soil to improve the technology of farming. The wheel cipher was devised in an easy and secure method to encode and decode messages that the solders sent during the American Revolution. A movable meridian of the spherical sundial cast a shadow telling the time. Because of his inventions, Thomas became so rich and famous that he was able to found, design, and direct the architecture of the University of Virginia. He even built a huge mansion of Monticello in his home state.

        One of the main reasons I respect Thomas is that he always tried his best. Being an inventor is very hard because many experiments would fail. However, he never stopped trying no matter what, even if somebody said that it was impossible. Thomas came from a poor family. Even so, he became a man who would go down in history to the end of time.

        And last but not least, the thing that inspires me most, is that Thomas always helped America. He not only created useful inventions to improve society, but also became an ambassador to France. Even after his wife and children passed away, Thomas continued to help America. As the 3rd President of the United States, he wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. In the meanwhile, he signed the Louisiana Purchase.

        What a terrific person Thomas Jefferson is!







05-31-12_ Thomas Jefferson.JPG

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