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A Glimpse of YMCA Basketball Camp(基督教青年会营篮球夏令营掠影)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月31日13:42:50 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        Today, we did what everyone at Basketball Camp was waiting for. We had a 90-minute 5-on-5 game with subs.

        And to put it simply, it was chaotic. Fouls were called every few minutes, mostly half court violations since the younger kids were afraid to go to the basket. There were also a lot of offensive fouls probably resulted from kids who didn't have enough skill to dribble around others. Technical fouls were often whistled and tempers began to rise. Everyone thought that it would be fun, but soon fights broke out.

        The largest problem was the little kids. They wouldn't pay attention or try. In fact, they just went where the ball was and instead of catching passes, the little kids dodged the ball. When the game finally ended, I noticed that our team lost. Be frankly, I really didn't care though. No one did. We were just all glad it was over.





2014-04-07_Celebration of March Madness-20001.JPG

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