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Narrative─Virtuoso Perlman(记人─帕尔曼大师)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月13日15:39:56 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        During Mr. Itzhak Perlman’s life, there were many significant events that had huge impacts. I think what probably it the most paramount thing was when his father gave him a violin. This event began his path to become an amazing violinist that the entire musical world would know.

        When Virtuoso Perlman was just three years old, his father bought him a used violin for six dollars. I believe that this had the largest impact on his life because this began his musical career. In the story, the author states that he had an extraordinary ability to play the violin before the age of ten. He performed first in Israel and enticed a popular television show host’s, Ed Sullivan, attention. Mr. Perlman was then invited to the United States with other young talented musicians. He went to Julliard in New York, the best musical institution in America. This could obviously not have happened if he hadn’t received his violin from his father.

        Virtuoso Perlman had many turning points of his life that changed his destiny. This was definitely one of them because Mr. Perlman’s life as a musician began at that very moment his father bought that violin. That event made what he is today.






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