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Forbidden City of Beijing(北京紫禁城)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月07日06:58:23 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Forbidden City0001.JPG

Aiden in English

        Beijing used to have good weather all year around. Nowadays, I don’t think so. But the point is that it had warm summers and fair winters. A water source was extremely close by, which made a wonderful place for the rulers of China when you would consider all these factors. 

        The Forbidden City is not so “forbidden” anymore. It’s actually quite the opposite. The name, well, was given because ordinary peasants used to be forbidden back then. Yet today, it’s amazing what ten US dollars can get you into. Because of the good weather and geography, Beijing was home to Emperors of 24 generations from Ming to Qing Dynasties and is the capital of the People’s Republic of China with about 22 million in population. Wherever I travel around the world, all capitals contain the same message. “I’m the ruler of this nation. So I will live in a big house by myself and nobody may enter!” It sounds very familiar to other places, don’t you think? 

        The Forbidden City wasn’t an actual city, but it might as well have been in the old days. An emperor always needed his style and a feeling of supremacy. The Forbidden City has a huge entrance, with double doors of Meridian Gate made of metal with studs arranged in rows jutting out for defense and intimidating factors. They provided no foot or handholds to scale it. But inside was the whole other story. The walls that surrounded the city were large, too. I must say, even after a visit to Rome, I’m impressed by the architecture. There really isn’t anything quite like the CityCenter of Beijing. 

        Enormous rectangular buildings with stunning roofs in Hip and Hip-and-Gable styles loomed over the courtyard. The roof had bamboo-like glazed tiles that infused it with texture, and also puzzled outcroppings holding up to the outer edge of the roofs. Dragons are extremely important in Chinese history, and it would only make sense that on these buildings. Dragons were carved into the stone, mahogany, and jade, acting as the decoration and border to empty areas. Dragon patterns were painted to symbolize an emperor as the son of Heaven in three main halls:  Supreme Harmony, Central Harmony, and Preserved Purity. On the other hand, the Chinese build the most colorful structures in the world. Vivid red walls, yellow tiles, gold carvings, and white marbles flashed in your eyes every time you took a glance at something. If that wasn’t enough, a contrast would be added on the pediments, ridge roofs, girders, angle modillions, and marble pillars. But the Forbidden City wasn’t done yet. Stretching onwards from both sides of the city was a small maze of houses that were built for an emperor for his daily services. He would eat, sleep, talk, consider, and negotiate, etc., in a different house every time, each house with gorgeous decoration and priceless artifacts. In many windows, people could see a detailed tapestry, each weave down to a hair width. The corridors went on wrapping around one another for so long, which felt surreal. After all, it was a City Center. But I think everyone who is reading this gets the points that the ancient Chinese were creative and emperors liked to show off. 

        Whether it is to intimidate, boast, or simple just to “wow” people, the Chinese emperors did all of the above. Rome now just might have some competition.







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2008-02-11_Zhendu Gate.JPG

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