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民调说Biden will win,但市场给了川普大拇指
送交者: 福禄 2020年10月14日09:11:39 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

Paul Brandus

Opinion: Biden will win, polls say. But the stock market is sending a different signal

A century’s worth of election-year data suggests President Trump will win re-election

Since 1928, whenever the S&P 500 Index SPX, -0.55%  of the largest U.S. stocks has risen in the three months prior to a presidential election, the party that controlled the White House won 90% of the time.

“If you think about it intuitively, it makes sense,” says Julian Emanuel, chief equity and derivative strategist for the investment firm BTIG who compiled the data. “Because a rising stock market tends to be a ratification of the present policies being satisfying to the investing public.”

  Biden leads Trump 17 点。更厉害哈 - 福禄 10/14/20 (117)
    2016的时候错过了30%的大涨,这次可不能再犯错误。  /无内容 - 胡鲁 10/14/20 (68)
      现在华尔街和高科技行业大肆炒作diversity & - 对对眼 10/14/20 (100)
        还是窗总英雄,把联邦里地这帮人开了,踢出去。 - 胡鲁 10/14/20 (72)
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