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送交者: 福禄 2020年10月21日06:51:51 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2020 polls: Biden leads Trump by 10 points – but polling finds warning signs for Democrat

Mr Biden has the support of 52 per cent of voters against the president’s 42 per cent, with Americans deeply concerned about Mr Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, according to a survey conducted by JL Partners and The Independent.

But the poll found ample reasons for Mr Biden and his campaign team to worry.

Political prognosticators for months have said he needs large numbers of white college-educated and Black voters to cast ballots in his favor. But the survey of more than 1,000 people shows Mr Biden lagging behind the last Democratic presidential nominee with both groups. Pundits say, because this appears to be a turnout election, he needs big numbers of both in the right states to offset an expected big conservative turnout.

Mr Biden leads among white people with a college degree by 10 percentage points, which would be worse than Hillary Clinton’s 2016 performance with that voting bloc.

Among Black voters, Mr Biden has a 72 per cent lead – over 10 points worse than Ms Clinton.

Mr Biden has struggled at times to reach out to the Black community.

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