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Lin Wood律师今天的推文(continued)
送交者: cnoversea 2020年11月23日22:16:27 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Lin Wood @LLinWood · 3h 

In time, people are going to prison in Georgia. Every lie will be revealed.

Lin Wood @LLinWood · 3h 

Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA. 

Several people have seen it. Many more will see it soon. 

Video camera eye does not lie. 

How do you spell Election Fraud?

Lin Wood @LLinWood · 6h 

The fight for TRUTH continues. Enemies of TRUTH exist on both sides. 

But keep in mind that there is only one truth & truth is incontrovertible. Truth shall prevail. 

Stay firm in your faith. Never give up. Be fearless. 

God is TRUTH. 

Keep praying. God bless ALL.

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