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法官对老唐团队证人的妇人之见的反应: Come on Now
送交者: isleskye 2020年12月01日09:08:16 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

密西根法官嘲笑并否决老唐竞选团队提出的"传闻式"证据: "别再胡闹了好乏!"


 “Tell me how that is not hearsay. Come on now!”

‘Come on Now’: Michigan Judge Scoffs at and Tosses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Backed by ‘Hearsay’ Evidence

    ADAM KLASFELD NOV 5, 2020 1:20 PM

In President Donald Trump’s second loss in court in a single day, a Michigan judge rejected the Trump campaign’s bid to stop counting ballots without their inspectors present. The judge scoffed at plaintiffs’ “hearsay” evidence that a lawyer said she heard from a poll worker regarding dates supposedly changed on ballots.

“‘I heard someone else say something,'” Michigan Judge Cynthia Stephens said on Thursday, summing up an affidavitsubmitted by the Trump campaign. “Tell me how that is not hearsay. Come on now!”


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