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送交者: Pascal 2021年07月13日15:39:24 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



 Irreversible Genetic Damage

 The side effects of such a vaccine might

 take months or even years to become

 apparent, and by then it may already be 

 too late for much of the population.



有很多理由可以避免向我们推送许多 COVID-19 疫苗,但儿童健康防御的小罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) 最近提请注意 这些疫苗的一些最令人关注的方面。

他最关心的问题是,信使 RNA 或 mRNA 疫苗是历史上第一种直接干预患者遗传物质并改变它的疫苗,这在健康、伦理和道德方面造成了问题。

这些疫苗涉及将实验室制造的一系列遗传 RNA 物质注射到体内,在那里它侵入细胞并接管产生蛋白质的核糖体,以产生冠状病毒著名的刺突蛋白,使其具有冠状病毒的冠状外观。其名称。然后,至少在理论上,您的身体应该接受训练以在以后遇到病毒时与病毒作斗争。简而言之,这些疫苗将您身体的细胞变成工厂,制造出刺激病原体特异性免疫反应的蛋白质。

mRNA 疫苗因其突破性技术而在某些方面受到称赞,虽然它们确实比传统疫苗有一些优势,但事实仍然是我们根本不知道它们的长期影响。虽然我们绝对不想淡化这种疾病对一小部分患者的破坏性,但世界上许多国家希望开展的大规模疫苗接种活动可能会使很大一部分人口面临死亡风险的未知问题。


许多专家承认,mRNA 疫苗涉及许多未知和独特的风险,包括可能引发自身免疫性疾病、癌症或器官损伤的局部和全身炎症反应。另一个担忧是,mRNA 疫苗可能会被恶意部署,以欺骗人体攻击细胞修复、生育能力和神经功能等关键功能。

还有一个事实是 mRNA 非常脆弱,所以一些疫苗,比如辉瑞疫苗,必须保持在 -70 摄氏度,否则疫苗可能会变质并变得无效——而那些接受注射的人真的没有办法知道它们是否被正确储存。




儿童健康防御副主席兼总法律顾问 Mary Holland 警告说:“新的疫苗技术可能意味着新的疫苗伤害。因为以前从未有过获得许可的 mRNA 疫苗,所以我们真的不知道受伤会是什么样子。由于疫苗开发得如此之快,临床试验如此之短,长期伤害是完全未知的。”


卡西 B.




There are plenty of reasons to avoid the many COVID-19 vaccines that are being pushed on us, but Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of Children’s Health Defense recently drew attention to some of the most concerning aspects of these vaccines.

Chief among his concerns is the fact that the messenger RNA, or mRNA, vaccines are the first vaccines in history to intervene directly in patients’ genetic material and alter it, posing problems when it comes to health, ethics and morality.

These vaccines involve injecting a sequence of genetic RNA material that was made in a lab into the body, where it invades the cells and takes over their protein-generating ribosomes to produce the coronavirus’s famous spike protein that gives it the crown-like appearance that inspired its name. Then, your body should, at least in theory, be trained to fight the virus if it encounters it later. In short, these vaccines turn your body’s cells into factories that create proteins that spur a pathogen-specific immune response.

mRNA vaccines are being hailed in some quarters for their breakthrough technology, and while they do have some advantages over traditional vaccines, the fact remains that we simply do not know anything about their long-term effects. While we definitely don’t want to downplay how devastating this disease can be to a small percentage of patients, the massive vaccination campaigns that many countries around the world wish to embark upon could be putting a huge percentage of the population at risk of a slew of unknown problems.

Too many unknowns with rushed vaccines

Many experts have acknowledged that there are lots of unknown and unique risks involved in mRNA vaccines, including local and systemic inflammatory responses that may spur autoimmune conditions, cancer or organ damage. Another worry is the potential for mRNA vaccines to be maliciously deployed to trick a person’s body into attacking critical functions like cell repair, fertility and neurological function.

There’s also the fact that mRNA is extremely fragile, so some vaccines, such as the Pfizer vaccine, have to be kept at -70 degrees Celsius or the vaccine could spoil and be rendered ineffective – and those receiving the shots will really have no way of knowing if they were stored properly.

We also don’t know if people will be able to enjoy an immune response that offers enough protection from the disease; if it does, it is not clear how long any immunity would last. Individuals who get vaccinated may engage in risky behaviors because they believe they are immune when they might not actually be, and the results could be devastating.

Moreover, the genetic damage that such vaccines can cause would be irreversible and irreparable. Genetic defects simply cannot be removed from the body.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician and epidemiologist, said: “In fact, this ‘promising vaccine’ for the vast majority of people should be FORBIDDEN, because it is genetic manipulation!”

Vice Chair and General Counsel for Children’s Health Defense Mary Holland warned: “New vaccine technology will likely mean new kinds of vaccine injuries. Because there’s never been a licensed mRNA vaccine before, we really don’t know what injuries are going to look like. In that the vaccines were developed so quickly, with such short clinical trials, the long-term injuries are a complete unknown.”

She and others are worried that this new technology and the looser requirements for fast-track approvals, along with the general panic about the disease, is a recipe for unprecedented numbers of vaccine injuries, and many of them could be serious. The side effects of such a vaccine might take months or even years to become apparent, and by then it may already be too late for much of the population.










武汉冠状病毒(Covid-19)“疫苗”再次爆发 ,这一次是在 T20 国际赛上,两名“完全接种疫苗”的西印度群岛女子板球运动员在比赛中途倒地。

Chinelle Henry和Chedean Nation在对阵巴基斯坦的比赛中在不同时间倒地,这发生在大多数西印度群岛女队在推特上自豪地宣布他们已经注射了三天之后。

“超过 30 名西印度群岛妇女和管理人员现已全面接种 COVID-19 疫苗,另有一些人计划接种第二剂!” Windies Cricket 于 6 月 29 日发推文。

“WI 接种了疫苗 [原文如此] 并准备好面对巴基斯坦妇女!#vaccinedontprocrastinate #vaccinesaveslives。”

当然,刺戳失败了,导致亨利和 Nation 倒在地上,仅仅三天后就抽搐了。一支医疗队不得不被带进来帮助他们,其中一人被担架抬离了场地。





Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” strike again, this time at the T20 International where two “fully vaccinated” West Indies women cricketers collapsed on the field mid-game.

Chinelle Henry and Chedean Nation both fell to the ground at different times during the match against Pakistan, which took place just three days after most of the West Indies women’s team proudly announced on Twitter that they had gotten injected.

“Over 30 West Indies Women and management staff are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with a few more scheduled to receive their 2nd dose!” Windies Cricket tweeted on June 29.

“WI are Vaccinated [sic] and ready to face Pakistan Women! #vaccinatedontprocrastinate #vaccinesaveslives.”

The jabs failed, of course, resulting in Henry and Nation collapsing to the ground and convulsing just three days later. A medical team had to be brought in to help them, and one was carried off the field on a stretcher.

The game was about to resume when the second one collapsed as well, prompting confusion and hysteria over what was happening.

“Jack, actually we’re getting word that there’s a second West Indies player down,” one of the announcers was heard saying.

“Just got word that there’s a second player down. Not sure with what, but it seems there’s a second player who’s somehow collapsed in the West Indies team and there’s a second stretcher coming. That’s remarkable. I’ve never seen anything like this. What’s happening?”

Another announcer then responded back jokingly with, “Is there something in the air? I don’t know. This is unusual.”





  已经晚了。 - 绿野仙人 07/13/21 (332)
  所有阴毛论都是忽悠,可能?可能走在路上被车撞死。  /无内容 - 衣冠禽兽 07/13/21 (336)
    不知你的所谓的阴毛论包含几类阴毛?贴个图片我看看?  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 07/14/21 (278)
    笑死人。知道你说的话有多愚蠢吗? - 绿野仙人 07/14/21 (293)
    所以大家都不要上街,会死人的。 - 衣冠禽兽 07/13/21 (366)
      然后某人被撞死了,阴毛论家就说了,你看我说的么。 - 衣冠禽兽 07/13/21 (335)
  即便有副作用,有益副作用和有害副作用各占50%。  /无内容 - 毛左 07/13/21 (368)
    据说A罩杯变C罩杯了? 嘿嘿。  /无内容 - 衣冠禽兽 07/13/21 (357)
      半年后,地球出现大量的铁臂阿童木,超级人。  /无内容 - 毛左 07/13/21 (404)
        还有智商超过1000000000的智慧人。  /无内容 - 毛左 07/13/21 (367)
          阴毛论者明显逻辑上弱智 - 衣冠禽兽 07/13/21 (385)
            我们的确很弱智。如果你们都变成爱因斯坦了 - 绿野仙人 07/13/21 (386)
            或者1年死,或者活100000岁,谁知道啊。  /无内容 - 毛左 07/13/21 (360)
              晚打1年是不是只能活50000岁? - 绿野仙人 07/13/21 (368)
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