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送交者: Pascal 2021年09月15日15:43:30 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

 你的任務 —— 碼字撰文向福奇蓋茨索羅斯拜登老同志

  舉報揭露“70%注射疫苗者活不過三年“ 彌天大謊言

   How Long Do The 

   Vaccinated Have to Live?








    與你的心臟、肺、大腦、血液 爭奪氧氣;

    即 吸氧海綿,這會導致許多併發症,



我經常被問到: “如果我接種了‘疫苗’,我還能活多久?

我把這個問題交給了我的一個朋友 Mylo Canderian 博士。[1938 年出生於希臘科孚島的 Milos Iskanderianos],他於 2015 年開發了用作血液學生物武器的氧化石墨烯專利。









Canderian 博士是世界衛生組織的醫學貢獻者,也非常支持 Klaus Schwab 和“大重置”,開創了一種世界數字貨幣,這是世界衛生組織 2022 年的次要目標。

Canderian 博士認為,世界上 95% 的人口都是“無用的吃貨”,需要儘快實施安樂死。



Canderian 博士是共濟會消除“人類瘟疫”世界的責任和義務的熱心支持者。

然而,在個人層面上,他和我對日內瓦 L'emince de Veau 供應的異國風味菜餚有着共同的熱情:蜂鳥奶油湯和麋鹿舌。

我們都是烹飪天才廚師 Gaston Sere de Rivieres 的粉絲。





他說任何血液學家都可以在顯微鏡下幾秒鐘內看到它,在電子顯微鏡下更容易看到。“受氧化石墨烯影響 [或污染] 的血液百分比是循環結束計算的倒計時,”他透露。

換句話說,除非任何其他輸入標準,否則血液中氧化石墨烯惡化 20% 的“接種者”[正如他所說的任何使用實驗使用授權優生學減少人口致死注射生物武器的人] 將活 8 年。[10 年少 20%]。

氧化石墨烯劣化 70% 的人的壽命不會超過 3 年。[10年少70%]。

紅寶石彼得斯.jpgJane Ruby 博士最近在他的播客中接受了 Stew Peters 的採訪,並展示了暴露於氧化石墨烯時變質的血液是什麼樣子的例子。

對於那些不知道的人來說,氧化石墨烯是 Messenger RNA 刺突蛋白和朊病毒的組成部分,它與心臟、肺、大腦和血液爭奪氧氣。


Mylo Canderian 博士的觀點與 Klaus Schwab、Bill Gates 和大型製藥公司 CEO 的觀點非常相似:讓他們都去死吧!

我問 Mylo 第二次和第三次射擊和助推器的效果如何,以及它如何改變 End of Cycle 表。



他的回答是:“你對共濟會不太了解,是嗎,史蒂夫?” 你現在知道了吧。



令人心碎的不良反應描述- 撒旦教徒以人類苦難為盛宴 



來自 DM 的第一條評論:  “ Mylo Canderian 博士,博士 [出生於希臘科孚島的 Milos Iskanderianos,1938 年],他於 2015 年開發了用作血液學生物武器的氧化石墨烯專利。 ”

儘管上面文章中提到的一些事實聽起來可能是真的。不到3分鐘就意識到這個醫生不存在。互聯網上可用的使用氧化石墨烯的專利大多由韓國和中國的研究人員開發。這是 Alerta Digital 中的一篇文章,其中包含指向記錄這些專利的多個站點的鏈接。

此外,通過使用 N 乙酰半胱氨酸和鋅補充劑增加穀胱甘肽水平,可以將氧化石墨烯納米顆粒從人體中去除。(這就是為什麼他們想儘可能多地為我們接種疫苗!)

史蒂文·菲什曼 回復: 

據我所知,不可能使用 NAC 或鋅從血液中去除氧化石墨烯,但我會問 Jane Ruby 博士。我不知道 Mylo 的專利在哪裡申請,但他告訴我世界衛生組織擁有這些專利。我會進一步研究它,但我可以向你保證,當我在和平進步基金會為諾拉卡利工作時,我們與邁洛的互動是一致的。正如我所說,我在瑞士達沃斯見過他。

即使血液中存在某種氧化石墨烯的半衰期 [我還沒有確定這是一個真實的假設],這仍然不能說明動機(“這就是為什麼他們想要給我們接種可能”),再次證明了種族滅絕全球主義者想要消滅我們所有人的意圖。無論他們在實驗室中創造了多少“變種”,或者引入多少“助推器”來消滅我們,他們對我們的徹底蔑視都是顯而易見的。Mylo 現年 83 歲,生活非常舒適(我為了保護 Steven-hm 而搬遷的地點)並發現我試圖揭露一切“自毀和可悲”,但他確實做了一個有趣的觀察:兩個精英[共濟會,對外關係委員會成員,彼爾德伯格,  


Brabantian 寫道- Mylo Canderian博士在 Linked In 上有專業簡介- https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-mylo-canderian-phd-a61a49209


您的讀者在使用搜索引擎後倉促下結論,現在這是一個錯誤......鏈接的個人資料是 DuckDuckGo 上的第一項,通常值得檢查......也許有人可能知道更好的搜索引擎


此外,如果有人狡辯,雅克·阿塔利在模因似乎很真實,儘管對欺騙性的 Snopes 進行了所謂的和誤導性的“揭穿”……法國原版出版於 1980 年代的印刷書籍 -

第 1 版“邁克爾·薩洛蒙訪談錄,未來面孔”

“企業家” avec Michel Salomon, Les Visages de l'avenir'








 BREAKING – Three studies

 published by the CDC, UK

 Government & Oxford

 University find the Covid-19

 Vaccines do not work

     突發 - 疾控中心、英國政府、


     Covid-19 疫苗不起作用


A graduate of Yale University who also obtained a PHD at Princeton University and an MD degree from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine has published a paper in which she concludes that mandating the public to take a vaccine is a harmful and damaging act because of excellent scientific research papers which clearly demonstrate the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of Covid-19.

Nina Pierpont (MD, PhD) published a paper on September 9th analysing various studies that were published in August 2021 which prove the alleged Delta Covid-19 variant is evading the current Covid-19 injections on offer and therefore do not prevent infection or transmission of Covid-19.

The Doctor of Medicine explained in her published paper that vaccines aim to achieve two ends –

  1. Protect the vaccinated person against the illness

  2. Keep vaccinated people from carrying the infection and transmitting it to others.

However, the Doctor of Medicine writes that herd immunity will not be reached through vaccination because new research in multiple settings shows that the alleged Delta variant produces very high viral loads which are just as high in the vaccinated population compared to the unvaccinated population.

Nina Pierpoint(醫學博士,博士)於 9 月 9 日發表了一篇論文,分析了 2021 年 8 月發表的各種研究。這些研究證明,所謂的Covid-19 Delta變體正在逃避當前為公眾提供的 Covid-19 疫苗,因此疫苗並不能防止感染或傳播COVID-19冠狀病毒。


  1. 保護接種疫苗的人免受疾病侵害

  2. 防止接種疫苗的人攜帶感染並將其傳播給他人

然而,醫學博士寫道,疫苗接種不會達到群體免疫,因為在多個環境中的新研究表明,所謂的 Delta 變體產生非常高的病毒載量,與未接種疫苗的人群相比,接種疫苗的人群病毒載量同樣高。

因此,根據Nina Pierpoint的說法,推行疫苗強制接種,例如現在在英國對所有護理之家員工強制執行的措施,沒有任何理由,因為接種疫苗並不能阻止甚至減緩所謂的占主導地位的Delta Covid-19 變種的傳播。

這導致醫學博士得出結論,自然免疫比疫苗接種更具保護性,因為所有嚴重的 Covid-19 疾病都會產生健康水平的自然免疫。

Pieroint(醫學博士,博士)引用了三項研究,其結果和數據支持她的結論,其中包括2021 年8 月 6 日發表在疾病控制中心 (CDC)“發病率和死亡率周報”上的一項研究,另一項研究於2021 年8 月 10 日由牛津大學發表,以及2021 年8 月 24 日發表的最終研究,該研究由英國衛生和社會保健部資助。



然而,其餘123例病例屬於未接種疫苗的人群,只有 1 人住院(0.8%)。兩組均未發生死亡。該研究還發現,接種疫苗和未接種疫苗的病毒載量非常相似,這意味着它們相同傳染性。



然後,所有 900 名醫院工作人員都接受了 Covid-19 病毒的重新測試,並立即發現了另外52例病例,迫使醫院進入封鎖狀態。在接下來的兩周內,又發現了16個病例。

研究發現,76%的 Covid-19 陽性員工出現呼吸道症狀,其中3名員工出現肺炎,1 名員工需要接受三天的氧氣治療。發現完全接種疫苗的感染組的病毒載量峰值比未接種疫苗的員工在3月至2020年4月發現的峰值病毒載量高 251 倍。


英國衛生與社會保健部的研究分析了英國正在進行的全人群 SARS-CoV-2 監測,包括對人群病毒載量的測量。


該研究的作者得出結論,輝瑞和牛津/阿斯利康注射液對他們聲稱的 Delta Covid-19 變體已經失去效力。但他們堅持認為,它們在防止人們感染 Delta Covid-19 變體方面非常有效,有效性為 67% 至 80%。

Nine Pierpoint(醫學博士,博士)在她的論文中正確地問到,當在研究中新的PCR測試陽性的隨機樣本中,有82%是完全接種過疫苗的人時,他們如何得出結論。



假設我們從該國的1000人開始,我們將隨機抽取100人。該國接種了 80%的疫苗。這意味着在我們的100人樣本中,我們有80人接種了疫苗,20人未接種疫苗。

假設該病毒在整個採樣期間感染了10%的人,即總共10個病例。如果接種疫苗的人中有 8 人,未接種疫苗的人中有 2 人(80% 和 20% 的陽性,與人口中接種疫苗和未接種疫苗的比例相匹配),則疫苗對一個人是否會被感染沒有影響(0%功效)。如果疫苗有效率達到67%,接種組的病例將減少2/3至2.67例,總病例數僅為4.67例(接種2.67例,未接種2例)。

這意味着只有 2.67/4.67 或 57% 的病例在接種疫苗組中,而在未接種疫苗組中為 43%。(我們可以回到 10% 的總體陽性率,僅使用比率,接種疫苗的病例為 5.7,未接種疫苗的病例為 4.3。)


在我看來——就像在馬薩諸塞州的研究一樣——疫苗根本沒有降低對感染的易感性,實際上介於略微(不顯着)降低易感性和略微增加對 Delta 變體的易感性之間。

英國的研究清楚地表明,Delta 的病毒載量(以及對他人的傳染性)比 Alpha 大得多,而且對於 Delta,接種疫苗和未接種疫苗的感染者的病毒載量和傳染性是相等的。

上述三項研究使 Nina Pierpoint(醫學博士、博士)在她的論文中得出結論,強制他人接種疫苗是一種潛在的有害行為。


Therefore, according to Nina Pierpont (MD, PhD), vaccine mandates; such as the one now enforced in the UK for all Care Home staff, have no justification because vaccinating individuals does not stop or even slow the spread of the alleged dominant Delta Covid-19 variant.

Which leads the Doctor of Medicine to conclude that natural immunity is much more protective than vaccination because all severities of Covid-19 illness produce healthy levels of natural immunity.

Nine Pierpont (MD, PhD) cites three studies whose findings and data support her conclusions and these include a study published August 6th 2021 in the Centre for Disease Control’s (CDC) ‘Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’, another study published August 10th 2021 by Oxford University, and a final study published August 24th 2021 which was funded by the UK Department for Health and Social Care.

CDC Study

The CDC study focused on 469 cases among Massachusetts residents who attended indoor and outdoor public gatherings over a two week period. The results found that 346 of the cases were among vaccinated residents with 74% of them presenting with alleged Covid-19 symptoms, and 1.2% being hospitalised.

However the remaining 123 cases were among the unvaccinated population with just 1 person being hospitalised (0.8%. No deaths occurred in either group. The study also found that viral loads were found to be very similar among the vaccinated and unvaccinated, meaning they were equally infectious.

Oxford University Study

The Oxford University study examined 900 hospital staff members in Vietnam who had been vaccinated with the Oxford / AstraZeneca viral vector injection between March and April 2021. The entire hospital staff tested negative for the Covid-19 virus in mid May 2021 however, the first case among the vaccinated staff members was discovered on June 11th.

All 900 hospital staff were then retested for the Covid-19 virus and 52 additional cases were identified immediately, forcing the hospital into lockdown. Over the next two weeks, 16 additional cases were identified.

The study found that 76% of the Covid-19 positive staff developed respiratory symptoms, with 3 staff members developing pneumonia and one staff member requiring three days of oxygen therapy. Peak viral loads among the fully vaccinated infected group were found to be 251 times higher than peak viral loads found among the staff in March – April 2020 when they were not vaccinated.

UK Department of Health & Social Care Study

The UK Department of Health & Social Care study is an analysis of ongoing population wide SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in the UK and includes measures of viral load among the population.

The study found that viral loads among the vaccinated and unvaccinated population are virtually the same, and much higher than had been recorded prior to the Covid-19 injection roll-out. The study also found that the majority of cases among the vaccinated population were presenting with symptoms when they became positive.

The authors of the study conclude that the Pfizer and Oxford / AstraZeneca injection have lost efficacy against what they claim to be the Delta Covid-19 variant, but they maintain that they are substantially effective at keeping people from becoming infected with the Delta variant in the range of 67% to 80%.

Nine Pierpont (MD, PhD) rightly asks in her paper how they can conclude this when 82% of the random sample of new positive PCR tests in the study were fully vaccinated people.

The Doctor of Medicine writes –

‘If a vaccine reduces the risk of becoming infected by two-thirds (67%), we would expect the proportion of vaccinated in the positive sample to be less than the proportion of vaccinated in the population.

Say we start with 1000 people in the country, of whom we will randomly sample 100. The country is 80% vaccinated. This means that in our sample of 100 we have 80 vaccinated and 20 unvaccinated people.

Let’s say that the virus has infected 10% of the people across the sampling period, or 10 total cases. If 8 of the infected are among the vaccinated, and 2 in the unvaccinated (80% and 20% of the positives, matching the ratio of vaccinated and unvaccinated in the population), the vaccine has made no difference in whether one can get infected (0% efficacy). If the vaccine is 67% effective, the cases in the vaccinated group would be reduced by 2/3 to 2.67 cases, and the total cases would be only 4.67 cases (2.67 vaccinated and 2 unvaccinated).

This means that only 2.67/4.67 or 57% of the cases would be in the vaccinated group, and 43% in the unvaccinated. (We can go back to 10% overall being positive just using ratios, yielding 5.7 cases among the vaccinated and 4.3 among the unvaccinated.)

This is why the proportion vaccinated in the infected sample, very close to the proportions vaccinated in the total population, are incompatible with the efficacy numbers generated by the authors.

It appears to me—as in the Massachusetts study—that the vaccine is not decreasing susceptibility to infection at all, and is in reality somewhere between slightly (insignificantly) decreasing susceptibility and slightly increasing susceptibility to the Delta variant.

The UK study is clear that viral load (and thus infectiousness to others) is much greater with Delta than with Alpha, and that, with Delta, viral load and infectiousness are equal in vaccinated and unvaccinated infected people.’

The above three studies lead Nina Pierpont (MD, PhD) to conclude in her paper that mandating others to take a vaccine is a potentially harmful, damaging act.

She writes that since the principal reason of a mandate is to protect others from infection, and these studies prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do not do this, those who mandate the Covid-19 injections may wish to seek legal counsel regarding their culpability and liability for potential long-lasting harm to those whom they pressure into vaccination with the threat of exclusion from employment, education or society.



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