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【RRN】版主Michael Baxter答读者问-摘录
送交者: gugeren 2021年10月14日11:52:30 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

【RRN】版主Michael Baxter答读者问-摘录


【读者】Jeff Reply to Michael Baxter:

Are you personally attending the tribunals?

Michael Baxter【Author】Reply to Jeff:
I have an implicit trust in the persons who provided the information.


【读者】Jeff 回复 Michael Baxter:

Michael Baxter【作者】回复 Jeff:


I don’t understand something. How did all those people die that way without their families pitching a fit? Not one family member without claimed the body or even report them even missing? Were talking tens of thousands of people with families! I’m sorry, the Cuomo brothers don’t have that much power to keep that many quiet.

Michael Baxter【Author】Reply to Delta:
Families were separated from alleged Covid-19 patients. They were simply told the unfortunate person had Covid-19, and died. Don’t you remember all the sad images of family members staring through plate glass windows into nursing home and hospital room windows, led to believe they couldn’t see their loved ones because of the risk of catching and spreading Covid-19.




Michael Baxter【作者】回复Delta:
家人与所谓的 Covid-19 患者分开。他们只是被告知这个不幸的人患有 Covid-19,然后就死了。你是否还记得家人透过平板玻璃凝视疗养院和医院病房窗户的所有悲伤画面,导致他们相信由于感染和传播 Covid-19 的风险而看不到亲人。



When someone is convicted and executed by the military what happens to their assets and wealth? Are they confiscated?
Michael Baxter【Author】Reply to  Hany:
Frozen and confiscated, as with Gates.




Michael Baxter【作者】回复 Hany:

This might not be the place to comment Michael Baxter, but I couldn’t go back to the events and comment on them. IF Killary and Tom Hanks have been killed, how is it that Killary was interviewed this weekend relative her new book???And Tom Hanks cohosted a show last night on Inside Hollywoods Hall of Fame with Night in the Academy Museum???

Michael Baxter【Author】Reply to JUdy:
I’ve given my explanation to this question several times. Society is being exposed to crafty body doubles, CGI, Deep Fakes, and holograms.



这可能不是评论 Michael Baxter 的地方,但我无法回到事件并评论它们。如果基【希】拉里和汤姆·汉克斯被杀了,基拉里这个周末如何接受她的新书采访?汤姆·汉克斯昨晚在好莱坞名人堂与学院博物馆之夜共同主持了一场节目???

这个问题我已经解释过好几次了。人们接触的是狡猾的替身、CGI、Deep Fakes 和全息图。

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