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Furniture designer talks about how to buy a cheap sofa
送交者: Aabby 2021年12月28日18:04:22 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


The difference between sofas of different styles and materials, cheap sofas are of good quality

Cheap furniture is also of good quality, with low prices and a sense of design. Some people like to buy cheap furniture uk.

Obviously, the idea that sofas are indistinguishable is wrong. Magnus Breitling, a furniture designer (Magnus Breitling), is the director of product management for chair manufacturer Emeco and has worked for the Swiss furniture company Vitra. He corrected my misconceptions on high-end sofas.
The furniture designer said: High-end sofas condensed a lot of mental work, not only in the production process, but also in the procurement process. They consume much more time and energy than ordinary sofas from Macy’s or Ikea.

But then again, the price of sofas is also very high. Furniture designers say that one of the reasons why sofa manufacturers like Ligne Roset or Vitra make their sofa prices much higher than ordinary products is that they hire top designers. You will spend time and money repeatedly discussing with designers, because designers have a good vision.

Am I really willing to spend an extra $5,000 to support someone’s creative activities? When buying clothes, I may become a captive of the designer's name, but the sofa is not good.

For me, extraordinary workmanship is more convincing than a designer's name. Craftsmen use incredible tools and follow the ancient methods handed down in the Middle Ages to produce products with time and effort. Such descriptions will touch the hearts of many people, including me. The boss of New York furniture company De Angelis, Keil Chen, is such a craftsman. To prove this, he said a bunch of carpentry terms that I didn't understand, such as mortise and tenon. De Angelis was founded by his grandfather Guido more than 60 years ago.

Boss Chen said that in a cheap sofas, you can see the plywood frame fixed together with foam rubber in the middle. In the sofa frame made in this way, the armrests may loosen after a year or a little longer.

He added that for custom sofas or high-end sofas from manufacturers like Baker, their frames are usually made of hardwoods such as ash or maple, with glue and dowels, or with grooves and tongues. Such joints are even stronger than wood itself, he said, and the multi-layer filling materials used in high-end sofas will not age like foam latex.

The sofa designer pointed out that cushions and surface fabrics are another difference between the two sofas. The cloth or leather used in an expensive sofa has a much longer life cycle. He said that as soon as the foam is squeezed and loosened, it loses its elasticity over time.

However, even if I am willing to spend a high price on a meticulously crafted sofa, how do I know that my $10,000 is worth it? ——Or, is it possible that only US$2,000 was actually spent on materials and production costs, while that US$8,000 was taken up by refined European design and marketing?
On this issue, Washington interior designer Annie Elliott has a clear attitude. She believes that the five-figure price of a sofa is not all hype. If you buy fashion, your money is spent on style and brand, not necessarily related to workmanship. But the sofa is different. I think you spend the money on the quality of the sofa. Elliott said that if you spend more, the sofa you buy will have feather and down-filled cushions instead of foam cushions.

If you get a special offer, you can get a great bargain sofa for only $1500. The frame is still solid wood and comes with feather-wrapped foam cushions. She believes that sofas in the mid-range price range (between $2,000 and $4,000, for example) don't really differ much, except in terms of shape and the quality of the fabric and seat cushions. But if a sofa costs under $1,000, I think you have to be careful. Elliott says that because manufacturers may cut corners to keep costs down.

Recommend these sofas, there's always one you'll like

In modern society, life is getting faster and faster, and the times when we can relax are actually few and far between. Apart from travelling and relaxing on holiday, the only place where we can relax in our daily lives is our home. In our homes, we have the company of our loved ones, the care of our family members, and the furniture that we have at home, which are also hardware that can relax me.

Here, I would like to start with a story. As I have said before I am married. Every year, I have to follow my husband back to my in-laws' house. Every time I go back to eat at home, I have to sit on the sofa to eat. However, I have to complain that the sofa in my in-laws' house, when I sit on it, always feels like I will collapse the sofa, and thus I am very careful every time. And whether it's in my own house or my mum's house, I can do whatever I want on the sofa. This really makes me feel how important it is to have a comfortable sofa!

Previously, I have introduced you to different styles of dining room, living room, bedroom, entrance hall and so on, and sofa backdrops. Today, I share with you is the different styles of sofas, I hope to be able to let you buy a sofa, a reference. So that, you would to buy cheap beds uk.

European style sofa

European style sofa, the lines are more dynamic curved, usually the pursuit of grand, luxurious artistic atmosphere, which is characterized by gorgeous colours, smooth line structure, clear contours, crafted and delicate, the overall graceful and elegant romantic.

Tone to go light, fresh route, simple reveals the feeling of elegance, basically can be said to be in line with the female aesthetic and very versatile type of sofa.

American style sofa

American sofa, does not particularly emphasise the design and placement of sets into groups, more advocate the freedom of matching, the main emphasis on matching personal preferences.

American style sofa to "comfortable" for the long, the volume is generally larger. If the living room space is not large enough, in which to place the American sofa, I am afraid it is impractical.

American rustic style sofa, the clever use of green leaves and flowers, creating a perfect feast of nature's living room, triggering the desire for nature and simplicity, giving people a kind and warm and generous feeling.

Less novelty and pomp, there is a sense of nostalgia, once you get closer, you can feel the rhythm of life slowing down, so that you can relax and enjoy life better after a long time in a fast pace.

Japanese style sofa

The Japanese sofa has the most refined sense of space and is more inclined to nature, most suitable for people who admire a natural and simple home style. The small Japanese sofa, with its square boards, reveals a strict approach to life.

The Tatami Japanese lazy susan is very cleverly designed and folds at will, allowing it to be used as a sofa to sit on and as a cot to sleep on. For soft-waisted lazybones, there is always something magical about this kind of soft furniture that makes you feel the urge to somehow swoop in and have a roll.

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