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他们已经得逞了三年的他们到底是谁? 密谋减灭世界人口的36人名
送交者: Pascal 2023年03月20日18:18:56 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Since the start of the COVID-19 Plandemic (let’s use the correct terminology because it’s extemely important to do so in the age of fifth generation warfare), and especially as “the great awakening” is gathering steam, some of the most common terms being used by people are “they” and “them” when referring to our opponents who have been doing terrible things to us for the last 3 years.

But who are these mysterious they/them?

Well, the answer to this question is relatively simple but also simultaneously quite complex, especially if you approach it without any context.


Since the start of the COVID-19 自 COVID-19大流行Plandemic 开始以来(让我们使用正确的术语,因为在(let’s use the correct terminology because it’s 第五代战争时代这样做非常重要extremely important),尤其是随着“大觉醒”的兴起,一些最常见的术语是人们使用“他们”和“他们”来指代我们的对手,他们在过去 3 年里对我们做了可怕的事情。 to do so in the age of fifth generation warfare), and especially as “the great awakening” is gathering steam, some of the most common terms being used by people are “they” and “them” when referring to our opponents who have been doing terrible things to us for the last 3 years.

但是这些神秘的他们/他们是谁呢?But who are these mysterious they/them?

好吧,这个问题的答案相对简单,但同时也相当复杂,尤其是当你在没有任何背景的情况下处理它时。Well, the answer to this question is relatively simple but also simultaneously quite complex, especially if you approach it without any context.

因此,为了正确回答这个问题,我们需要确保我们有一个共同的参考框架,使我们能够正确理解答案。Therefore, in order to properly answer this question, we need to make sure we have a common frame of reference that allows us to properly understand the answer.

全球权力金字塔The global Pyramid of Power

全球权力结构通常以金字塔形式呈现,因为大多数人本能地很容易理解它。The global power structure is often presented as a Pyramid because it is instinctively easy to understand for most people.

这就是为什么公司结构经常This is why corporate structures are often 呈现为金字塔presented as pyramids以及组织的指挥结构,其中明确定义的层次结构是必不可少的,例如军队、警察和情报收集组织。 as well as the command structure of organisations where a clearly defined hierarchy is essential, such as the military, police and intelligence gathering organisations.

当谈到世界上When it comes to how the 真正的real权力是如何构成的时,金字塔是呈现它的完美方式,因为这种权力结构在本质上也是非常等级化的。 power in the world is structured, a pyramid is the perfect way to present it due to the fact that this power structure is also very hierarchical in nature.

如果你使用 Telegram、Rumble 和现在的 Twitter 等平台,你会经常看到如下图所示的图表:If you go on platforms like Telegram, Rumble and now also Twitter, you will often come across diagrams such as the one shown below:

不同版本之间的上图有几个细微的变化,但它的“要点”是相同的。There are several minor variations to the above diagram between different versions but the ‘gist’ of it is the same.

最重要的是要理解:What is most important to understand is that:

  • 敌人拥有高度结构化和等级化的指挥和控制系统;和The enemy has a highly structured and hierarchical command & control system in place; and

  • 处于该结构各个级别的人员严重依赖Those at the various levels of this structure rely heavily on SECRECYSECRECY来维护它。 in order to maintain it. This is especially the case for those 对于那些处于金字塔最高层的at the highest levels人来说尤其如此,他们将保密放在首位,甚至超出了他们计划的成功。 of the pyramid for whom secrecy is the top priority, above and beyond even the success of their plans.

我个人喜欢向人们解释全球权力结构的一种方式是将其视为一个One way I personally like to explain the global power structure to people is to think of it as a 庞大的建设项目massive construction project。.

为了执行如此大的项目,您需要以下组件:In order to execute such a large project, you need the following components:

  1. 您需要一个You need a “客户‘client”’ 来订购并支付整个工作的费用;that will order and pay for this entire endeavour;

  2. 你需要You need 设计蓝图和准备计划的“建筑师” ;‘architects’ who will design the blueprints and prepare the plans;

  3. 您需要You need “项目经理”‘project managers’来确保建筑师创建的蓝图和计划将按照规范执行;和 who will make sure that the blueprints and plans created by the architects will be executed to specs; and

  4. 可以这么说,您需要You need 负责实际施工工作的“分包商” 。‘subcontractors’这些分包商将需要大量“员工”,并且需要同时处理大量“活动部件”。 who will be responsible for doing the actual construction work so to speak. These subcontractors will need a lot of ‘staff’ and will need to juggle a lot of ‘moving parts’ simultaneously.

“好的,那么谁在我们的故事中扮演这些角色?”“Ok, so who performs each of these roles in our story?”

这是一个很好的问题,不幸的是,要明确回答并不那么容易That’s a great question which is unfortunately not that easy to answer ,definitively, 尤其是当我们达到最高级别时,例如“建筑师”,尤其是“客户”。especially as we get to the highest levels such as the ‘architects’ and especially the ‘client’.

这是因为保密是他们This is due to the fact that secrecy is the thing they treasure 最看重的东西above all else,并且会做 and will do 任何事情anything(我的意思是 (and I do mean 任何事情)ANYTHING) 以确保没有人能够可靠地和明确地通过可以在法庭上使用的具体证据来识别他们.to make sure no one can reliably and definitively identify them with concrete proof that can be used in a court of law.

较低级别的“项目经理”,尤其是“分包商”更容易被指出,因为高层人员并不那么沉迷于保守这些秘密,因为他们的整个结构都是基于使这些级别容易The lower levels of the ‘project managers’ and especially the ‘subcontractors’ are significantly easier to point out because the people at the top are not as obsessed about keeping those secret due to the fact that their entire structure is based around making these levels 的可扩展和可更换。easily expandable and replaceable.

因此,我将从下到上开始列举各个玩家。Therefore, I will start enumerating the various players from the bottom up.

分包商The Subcontractors

这很容易。它们如下:That’s pretty easy. They are as follows:

项目经理The Project Managers

这些主要是各种These are predominantly the various 据称都是非营利性的基金会(这是有史以来最大的笑话,如果你相信我有一个“尼日利亚王子”的秘密藏品,我可以以象征性的“手续费”卖给你foundations'). who are all supposedly not-for-profit (which is the biggest joke of all time and if you believe that I have a secret stash from a ‘nigerian prince’ I can sell you for a nominal ‘handling fee’).

这些基金会都知道“建筑师”准备的完整和完整的计划/蓝图(而分包商可能不知道),并且主要充当监管者和洗钱者,他们直接自己为事物提供资金,但也从金字塔中的上方谨慎地转移资金给分包商,同时确保隐藏这笔钱的来源者的身份。These foundations all know the full and complete plan/blueprints prepared by the ‘architects’ (whereas the subcontractors may not) and act predominantly as supervisors and money shufflers whereby they fund things directly themselves but also discretely move money from those above them in the pyramid to the subcontractors, while making sure the identity of those from whom this money comes from, remains hidden.

这一级别的知名人士有The biggest names in this level are the 比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation、, the 乔治·索罗斯的开放社会基金会、 Open Society FoundationsFacebook 联合创始人达斯汀·莫斯科维茨的开放慈善基金会,该基金会对与CRISPR基因编辑技术有关的一切事物进行了大量投资,布什基金会克林顿基金会奥巴马基金会惠康基金会。 by George Soros, Open Philanthropy by Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, which is very heavily invested in anything and everything to do with CRISPR gene editing technology, the Bush Foundation, The Clinton Foundation, The Obama Foundation and The Wellcome Trust.

还有其他人,但这些是最大的参与者。There are others but these are the biggest players.

建筑师The Architects

好的,这就是事情开始变得真正有趣的地方。Ok, this is where things start getting really interesting.

这个级别的实体不仅知道完整的计划,而且还实际The entities at this level don’t just know the full and complete plan but they actually 设计了它designed it。.

我会公开承认我不知道这个级别的I will openly admit that I do not know 所有all “玩家”(不确定是否有人知道)但以下是其中的一部分,具有相对较高的确定性:the ‘players’ at this level (not sure if anyone does) but the following are part of it with a relatively high degree of certainty:

  • 彼尔德伯格集团The Bilderberg Group——地球上最隐秘的组织之一,现在有了自己的 - one of the most secretive organisations on the planet now has their own 官方网站official website!谁曾想到!! Who would have thought! The Bilderberg group is named after 彼尔德伯格集团以荷兰 Oosterbeek 的彼尔德伯格酒店Hotel de Bilderberg命名,1954 年 5 月,他们在这里举行了第一次会议。从那时起,他们几乎每年都会见面 in Oosterbeek, Netherlands which is where they held their first ever meeting in May 1954. Since then they have met almost every year(大流行是唯一的例外之一)。每次会议都有 120 至 150 人参加,其中包括政治领导人、工业界、金融界、学术界的专家、各王室成员和媒体。尽管来自主要传统媒体组织的高级领导人出席了每一次彼尔德伯格会议,但从未报道过这些会议期间具体讨论的细节。Furthermore, any elected representatives are also bound by a strict code of secrecy and never discuss any of the details of the discussions they have been involved in with their constituents. 大卫·洛克菲勒 (David Rockefeller) (with the pandemic being one of the only exceptions). Every meeting is attended by between 120 and 150 people which include political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, members of various royal families and the media. Despite the fact that senior leaders from major legacy media organisations have attended every single Bilderberg meeting, no details about the specific discussions during those meetings are ever reported. Furthermore, any elected representatives are also bound by a strict code of secrecy and never discuss any of the details of the discussions they have been involved in with their constituents. One David Rockefeller was 几乎从彼尔德伯格成立之初就参与其中。especially heavily involved with Bilderberg对于过去参与者的(非常不完整的)列表,您可以检查 pretty much since it first came to existence. For a (very incomplete) list of past participants, you can check 这个维基百科条目this Wikipedia entry。.

  • 罗马俱乐部Club Of Rome- 另一个令人毛骨悚然的所谓“俱乐部”,其 - Another creepy so called ‘club’ with 使命宣言无定形amorphic mission statement(应始终作为可疑事物的警告)以及非常杰出的 (which should always serve as a warning that something is fishy) and very prominent 现任和前任成员current and former members。他们在许多国家也有. They also have 国家“分会” national ‘chapters’。他们的创始成员之一是一个名叫丹尼斯·梅多斯 in many countries. One of their founding members is a fella by the name of (Dennis Meadows)的家伙Dennis Meadows,他 who has some 对应该如何解决人类的“问题”有一些有趣的想法。interesting ideas about what should be done to solve the ‘problems’ of the human race.

  • 波希米亚俱乐部Bohemian Club- 非常非常(非常!)成立于 1872 年的令人毛骨悚然的组织,他们 - Very very (very!) creepy organisation founded in 1872 who describe themselves 在自己的网站上将自己描述on their own website为: as:

一个私人协会,其成员应包括与文学、艺术、音乐或戏剧有专业联系的绅士,以及那些由于对这些事物表现出的热爱或欣赏、他们的性情、智慧和对这些事物的承诺的绅士参加社团活动,使他们成为值得信赖的艺术伙伴。 A private association whose members shall consist of gentlemen who are connected professionally with Literature, Art, Music, or the Drama and also those gentlemen who, by reason of their demonstrated love or appreciation of these objects, their temperament, intellect, and their commitment to participate in Club activities, make them worthy companions in artistic fellowship.

它能变得比这更令人毛骨悚然吗?Can it get more creepy than this?

好吧,实际上它可以!Well, actually it can!

Once a year, the ‘members’ of the Bohemian Club like to get together for a two week retreat in 每年一次,波西米亚俱乐部的“成员”喜欢在加利福尼亚州索诺玛县占地 2,700 英亩的波西米亚格罗夫Bohemian Grove聚在一起度过为期两周的假期。有很多间接证据多年来一直在流传,说明在上述静修所发生的事情,包括“火葬, a 2,700-acre property in Sonoma County, California. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence which has been floating around for many years about what is happening at said retreat including bizzare rituals such as “护理cremation of care”等奇怪的仪式和对一个奇怪的猫头鹰神的各种牺牲。我什至不打算去那里,但如果你想了解更多,即使使用“大科技”搜索引擎也可以找到很多。不管是真是假,都无法否认这个“俱乐部”、它的成员和它的活动是非常令人不安的事实。” and various sacrifices to a bizarre owl god. I’m not even going to go there but if you want to find out more, there is plenty you can find even with a ‘big tech’ search engine. Regardless of what is true and what is not, it is impossible to deny the fact that this ‘club’, its membership and its activities are highly disturbing.

  • The对外关系委员会 Council on Foreign RelationsCFR) 和 (CFR) and the 三边委员会Trilateral Commission——姊妹组织自称本质上是外交和世界事务的智囊团,但远不止于此。实际上,他们实际上是为许多主要政府 - sister organisations describing themselves as essentially think tanks on diplomacy and world affairs but are a lot more than that. In actual terms, they are the ones who actually 制定/制定外交政策的人dictate/write the foreign policy。CFR 由美国总统伍德罗威尔逊于 1917 年成立,其成员和董事中包括一些非常杰出的政治家,包括 for many major governments. CFR was established by US President Woodrow Wilson in 1917 and counts amongst its members and directors some very prominent politicians including 小乔治布什政府的美国副总统迪克切尼。Dick Cheney三边委员会由大卫·洛克菲勒于 1973 年创立,他也积极参与了彼尔德伯格。我想我可以在这里停下来……, The US Vice President in the administration of George Bush Jnr. The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller, who was also heavily involved in Bilderberg. I think I can stop here…

  • 还有其他组织可能属于“建筑师”小组,例如There are also other organisations that are likely part of the ‘Architects’ group such as 查塔姆研究所Chatham House和 and the 卡内基国际和平基金会Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ,但我想我会把事情留在这里并继续前进。but I think I will leave things here and move on.

客户端The Client

好的,所以这是真正棘手的一点。Ok, so this is the really tricky bit.

几乎不可能将这些家庭中的任何一个直接牵涉到过去 50 年左右(甚至更长时间)世界上发生的几乎所有事情,因为对他们来说,隐藏在公众视野之外是It is practically impossible to directly implicate any of these families in pretty much anything that has happened in the world in the last 50 years or so (and even much longer) due to the fact that for them, 最remaining hidden from public view重要 is the 的MOST重要的目标,他们投入了几乎难以想象的资源来确保情况仍然如此。 important goal and they have dedicated almost unimaginable resources to ensuring this remains the case.

将他们团结在一起的共同点是,他们不仅The common thread that unites them is that they are not just 富有得令人发指obscenely wealthy(他们的净资产使福布斯“世界首富”榜单上的任何人相比之下都像穷光蛋),而且还认为自己比我们其他人优越,因此负责根据他们的愿景指导我们整个物种的未来。 (with net worth that makes anyone on the Forbes “World’s Richest” list look like a pauper in comparison) but also think of themselves as superior to the rest of us and therefore responsible for directing the future of our entire species according to their vision.

该集团中最著名的家族是罗斯柴尔德家族(官方估计其净资产在 400 到 5000 亿美元之间,但在考虑到他们所有的基金会和慈善机构网络后可能更接近 10 万亿美元)和洛克菲勒家族但其他人也属于这个非常独特的俱乐部,例如瓦伦堡家族、卡内基家族、盖蒂家族和各种皇室成员(尤其是英国、荷兰和沙特皇室成员)。The most known families in that group are the Rothschilds (whose net worth is officially estimated to be between 400 and 500 billion US$ but is likely more like 10 trillion US$ after taking into account all their web of foundations and charities) and the Rockefellers but others are also in that very exclusive club such as the Wallenbergs, the Carnegies, the Gettys and various royal families (and especially the British, Dutch and Saudi royals).

这些人从不回答有关他们的财富或活动的问题,也没有传统媒体敢问他们这个问题,主要是因为他们These people never answer questions about their wealth or activities and no legacy media outlet will ever dare to ask them that, mostly because they 拥有所有这些own all of them!!

COVID-19 大流行中同谋的面孔和名字The Faces and Names of The Co-Conspirators in the COVID-19 Plandemic

在这个很长(但有必要)的介绍之后,我们是时候开始谈正事了,揭露直接参与过去三年企图发动的全球政变的人的真实姓名。After this very long (but necessary) introduction, it is time we got down to business and reveal the actual names of the people directly involved in the global Coup d'état that has been attempted over the last three years.

正如我在上面讨论的那样,这些人处于“分包商”或“项目经理”级别,这意味着他们可能都有自己负责的老板。These people are at the ‘subcontractor’ or ‘project manager’ levels as I discussed above which means they likely all have bosses they answer to.

然而,正如我已经解释过的,一旦你超越了(并且一直)设计的项目经理级别,这条路就会变冷!However, as I already explained, the trail goes cold once you move beyond the project manager level which is (and always has been) by design!

嵌入在这篇文章顶部的视频是The video embedded at the top of this post is a presentation David Martin 博士Dr. David Martin在 2021 年 11 月的一次演讲(可以这么说,在狗屎秀的最深处),他巧妙地揭开了混淆的层次,并揭示了具体 has given in November 2021 (so in the thick of the shitshow so to speak) in which he masterfully peels off the layers of obfuscation and reveals the 的specific people人(并且仍然)对我们这样做。 who have (and still are) doing this to us.

他非常慷慨地允许他发表演讲的活动的组织者向He was gracious enough to allow the organisers of the event he has spoken at to 我们所有人公开他的演讲。make his presentation publicly available to us all.

如果您不熟悉 David 和他的作品,他是一个拥有真正令人敬畏的智慧和令人难以置信的能力的人,能够解开非常复杂的犯罪网络,然后以任何人都能理解的方式呈现和解释它们。In case you are not familiar with David and his work, he is a man of truly formidable intellect and incredible ability to unpack very complex webs of criminality and then present and explain them in a way that anyone can understand.

He has done that 当谈到 COVID-19 大流行时,他when it comes to the COVID-19 Plandemic几乎从一开始就 pretty much from the start but 做到了这一点,但他的成就his list of achievements远不止于此,包括 goes well beyond that, including 创建自己的股票市场指数,creating his own stock market index至今仍在使用。 still in-use to this day.

你可以在上面的视频中看到 David 的完整演示,但如果你只想从 David 的演示中看到有趣的“Whodunit”部分,可以在下面找到敌人的名字和面孔:You can see David’s full presentation in the video above but if you want just the juicy ‘Whodunit’ bit from David’s presentation, the names and faces of the enemy can be found below:


所以现在你有了他们的面孔,如果你不认识他们所有人,下面我将概述他们的名字和角色。So now you have their faces and in case you don’t recognise all of them, below I will outline their names and roles.

然而,在我这样做之前,我想解释一下为什么However, before I do that, I want to explain why it is 我们作为人类大家庭必须审视我们人类同胞的面孔和眼睛,这些人密谋对每个男人、女人和儿童犯下滔天罪行(以及absolutely crucial甚至婴儿)在这个星球上。 that we as the great family of humanity look into the faces and the eyes of our fellow humans who conspired to commit heinous crimes against every man, woman and child (and even infant) on this planet.

像往常一样,David Martin 自己说得比我说得更好:As usual, David Martin himself put it better than I ever could:

“当我们将他们匿名化,当我们在屏幕上看到他们的脸时,我们意识到他们只是失去了与人类社会契约的个人。”“We energize the forces of darkness when we anonymize them and when we see their faces on a screen, we realize that they’re merely individuals that have lost the social contract with humanity.”

我不可能说得这么好!!No way I could have ever said it as good as this!!

为了结束这篇文章,这里是他们的名字:To close off this post, here are their names:





名字The Names

  • Mukesh D. Ambani,Reliance Industries 董事长Mukesh D. Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Industries

  • Peter Brabeck-Letmathe,世界经济论坛董事会副主席Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum

  • 马克·卡尼,联合国气候行动特使Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action

  • Chrystia Freeland,加拿大副总理兼财政部长Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Canada

  • 国际货币基金组织总裁克里斯塔利娜·格奥尔基耶娃Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF

  • 约旦王后拉尼娅Queen Rania of Jordan

  • David M. Rubenstein,凯雷集团联合创始人兼执行主席David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Carlyle Group

  • 世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席克劳斯·施瓦布Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

  • Salesforce 董事长兼首席执行官 Marc BenioffMarc Benioff, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce

  • 安盛集团首席执行官 Thomas BuberlThomas Buberl, CEO, AXA

  • Laurence Fink,贝莱德董事长兼首席执行官Laurence Fink, Chairman & CEO, BlackRock

  • Orit Gadiesh,贝恩公司董事长Orit Gadiesh, Chairperson, Bain & Company

  • Fabiola Gianotti,CERN 总干事Fabiola Gianotti, Director General, CERN

  • 麻省理工学院校长 L. Rafael ReifL. Rafael Reif, President of MIT

  • Mark Schneider,雀巢首席执行官Mark Schneider, CEO, Nestlé

  • Tharman Shanmugaratnam,新加坡金融管理局高级部长兼主席,新加坡Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister and Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Singapore

  • 罗伯特·默瑟,文艺复兴基金Robert Mercer, Renaissance Fund

  • 谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇Larry Page, Google Co-Founder

  • 戈尔,环保主义者和前美国副总统Al Gore, Environmentalist and former US Vice-President

  • 经合组织前秘书长 Angel GurríaAngel Gurría, former Secretary General of the OECD

  • Paula Ingabire,卢旺达信息和通信技术部部长Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information & Communication Technology, Rwanda

  • 马友友,大提琴家Yo-Yo Ma, Cellist

  • 美洲开发银行前行长、世界经济论坛董事会成员路易斯·阿尔贝托·莫雷诺Luis Alberto Moreno, Former President of the Inter-American Development Bank and Member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum

  • Jim Hagemann Snabe,西门子和马士基董事长Jim Hagemann Snabe, Chairman of Siemens and of Maersk

  • Feike Sijbesma,皇家飞利浦监事会主席兼皇家帝斯曼名誉主席Feike Sijbesma, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Royal Philips & Honorary chair, Royal DSM

  • 国际货币基金组织副总裁朱民Zhu Min, Deputy Managing Director, IMF

  • Facebook/Meta 联合创始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格Mark Zuckerberg, Co-Founder & CEO, Facebook/Meta

  • 比尔·盖茨,微软和比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会的创始人Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  • Sberbank 首席执行官 Herman GrefHerman Gref, CEO, Sberbank

  • André Hoffmann,霍夫曼-罗氏集团副主席André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman Hoffman-La Roche

  • 欧洲中央银行行长克里斯蒂娜·拉加德Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank

  • 国际红十字会前主席彼得·毛雷尔Peter Maurer, Former President, International Red Cross

  • African Rainbow Minerals 董事长 Patrice MotsepePatrice Motsepe, Chairman, African Rainbow Minerals

  • 埃森哲首席执行官 Julie SweetJulie Sweet, CEO, Accenture

  • Heizo Takenaka,日本前总务大臣兼邮政民营化国务大臣Heizo Takenaka, Former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications and Minister of State for Privatization of the Postal Services, Japan

  • 达斯汀·莫斯科维茨 (Dustin Moskovitz),Facebook 联合创始人兼开放慈善基金会的联合创始人和主要贡献者Dustin Moskovitz, Facebook Co-Founder and Co-Founder and primary contributor to the Open Philanthropy Foundation

最后,David Martin 在他的演讲开始时提到了Finally, David Martin mentioned at the start of his talk above另一个会议 another conference,他在这个会议之前不久就发表了演讲,组织者同意公开发布(这是 in which he spoke only a short time before this one which the organisers have kindly agreed to make publicly available (for the first time 他们会议的整个历史上的第一次)。ever in the entire history of their conference).

You can listen to this talk 您可以在此处HERE收听此演讲,下面是该会议的完整议程。 and the full program of that conference is found below.

Weston A. Price 基金会第 21 届年会指南The Weston A. Price Foundation’s 21st Annual Conference guide

12.1MB ∙ PDF 文件12.1MB ∙ PDF File

包含所有演讲者和他们讨论的主题Features all the speakers and the topics they discussed

关于最近呼吁With regards to the 对犯下所有这一切的罪犯进行所谓的“大赦” ,下面的视频完美地描述了我认为我们应该做出的集体回应。recent calls for a so called ‘amnesty’ for the criminals who perpetrated all of this, the video below describes perfectly what I think our collective response should be.










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