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Obama's brainwaves were used by the Chinese govern
送交者: 尊重正义 2024年03月13日18:21:44 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

ByRuoQian Kang03/13/2024

   Obama's brainwaves were used by the Chinese government's Xi Jinping brain-controlled AI electromagnetic waves. Please ask the U.S. Biden administration to investigate immediately.

   Obama's brainwaves were used by China's Xi Jinping's brain-controlled weapons gang in the terrorist attack that distorted the brain nervous system of the American public and the U.S. government. We need the White House government to investigate immediately. Recently, Obama's images and sounds have been loaded with relevant energy through AI electromagnetic wave brain-controlled weapons as representatives of the US government investigating Xi Jinping's crimes. This is another escalation point in Xi Jinping's crimes. Please see my disclosure report for details.


   奥巴马的脑波在中国习近平脑控武器AI 电磁波扭曲美国大众和美国政府的脑神经系统的恐怖袭击中,被中国习近平脑控武器团伙所占用,我们需要白宫政府立刻调查。最近一个时间以来,奥巴马的图像和声音通过AI电磁波脑控武器加载相关的能量作为美国政府的代表在调查中国习近平犯罪,这是中国习近平犯罪又一个升级点。详情请看我的揭露报告。

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