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送交者: 定理 2010年11月13日10:37:44 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

下面这个post非我所写,though i wish i had.

The first half eloquently writes about how the US is viewed as the rogue state by the G20. But then the second half of the article in a disingenuous attempt to sound balance says BOTH views (our view’s and china’s) have merit.

China is predictable and that goes a long way toward helping the world economy. Also, they aren’t actually devaluing their currency, just not raising it as fast as we’d like. This arbitrary point will never be reached to our satisfaction as it is not the real problem anyway.

We are unpredictable. We are short-sighted. We change interest rates (which directly affects currency) rapidly and recklessly. We criticize others for nationalizing industries and then do the same. We criticize others for subsidizing and then bailout on a scale far greater than anyone we ever criticized. We pretend to want consensus and then unilaterally and suddenly print money (QE2). We bicker and overspend at the federal, state, and personal level.

We have no merit. We are the rogue state. China is the whipping boy, and we are the bully, hoping to gain popularity by bashing someone else. In reality we are cowards, we can’t fess up to our own problems.

Posted by mgunn
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