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Integrity & Democratic movemen
送交者: xpt 2011年09月29日19:46:17 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
Integrity & Democratic Movement


September 30, 2011

According to Confucius, if one cannot handle one's family or personal affair well can not be a good politician. This ancient rule has been abandoned long time ago in the West and recently in the East. The extreme case if the current Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, whose sexual scandal pushed the line to the limit.

Another lesser known case is the Chinese dissidents abroad, noticeably Ms. Chai Ling (柴玲)。Her story about three or four times of abortion not only rocked the community of the her long time supporters but also brought the cute issue of personal morality and qualification as a good politician. After 2500 years, we are still tangled in Confucius' question: be a good person before being a good politician, or be a bad person and being a good politician?

Look at Silvio Berlusconi, we can clearly see the answer. Even in Italy where sexual freedom is seldom interfering with politics, Berlusconi already hit most "open and free" Italians nerve. The country is polarized by him and becomes disfunctional because of him.

The same for 柴玲. Her recklessness and immaturity and irresponsibility in her sexual conduct will undoubtedly drive away many many staunch supporters. Chinese are conservative and influenced by Confucius. They see 柴玲 untrustworthy and a liar and dirty slut. How this person without morality could represent them?

Berlusconi  may not ruin Italy; but 柴玲 is putting a huge basket of cold water onto overseas Chinese who have supported her and the freedom movement.

Thank you, 柴玲, for your stupidity.

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