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Bamboo Delight
送交者: k19 2012年12月24日13:03:46 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


I know people are way way too ignorant about this issue. But they will do the same to China just like they have done and are doing to America.




and watch this video. It was an eye opener to me.It is happening but you simply can't see it. And I don't blame you. I hope these two video do not shock you.



And don't tell me the bullshit that these people are Chinese or part chinese. They are not. And don't tell me that these are good people. Cause they are not. There are there for a reason. They are maybe good people in nature and have good intention but they are tools for a cause. And it might be a evil cause. Then again, I don't believe good and evil. LOL

"There is a land god promised to us!!!" LOL of course they believe we are all animals. they are the only human. The land are theirs. Now can you see it?

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