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Jack=Jacob=Zion=Israel...The Union Jack = The Union Of Jacob
送交者: 冬冬 2014年02月28日22:03:43 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

The Symbolism of The Union Jack or The Union Of Jacob

Union Jacob

(OBM) How the Union Jack was formed – IN A.D.1194, Richard I of England introduced the Cross of St. George as the Standard of England, and this remained the national flag until the Union with Scotland. In 1603, King James VI of Scotland became James I of England, as a result of which the first Union Jack was formed in 1606 by the addition of the Cross of St. Andrew which formed the background of the new flag. The name "Union Jack" came from King James, whose name is "Jacobus" in Latin, and "Jacob" in Hebrew. Then in 1801, there was formed the more familiar Union Jack by the addition of the Cross of St. Patrick, sandwiched in between the flags of Scotland and England. Thus the formation of the Union Jack came about as the result of the progressive merging of the inhabitants of the British Isles under one throne, the throne of David. The completed Union Jack thus symbolises the RE-UNION OF JACOB.

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