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A law has no meaning if it is
送交者: abc55 2014月06月30日19:49:23 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
回  答: ZT 九段線的存在和價值。SDUSA 於 2014-06-29 19:51:25

not forcible. On the stage of international affairs, the strongest military power is the law, the justice and the fairness. If you are powerful, then you are the law. If you are weak militarily, then you are wrong, your are illegal, and your territory should be occupied. If China started to defend her 9 segment line in the International court, then it would mean that all China's historic records supporting her territorial 9 segment line become invalid and that Philippine's aggression has a legal base! The worst scenario is what if the international court is sided with Philippine and decides that the 9 segment lines are invalid?

It is the best for China to use her missiles to defend her 9 segment lines, but never be so naïve/stupid as to jump into the traps (such as the international court) that are specially designed to corner and humiliate China.



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