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Lenin is a fcking dirty Jew
送交者: smother 2015月08月07日08:01:29 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 列宁真相被揭,俄各阶层震惊和愤怒 ByStander 于 2015-08-06 16:33:01
he did not care about Russian people, all the Jews need is to destroy White culture, because Europe hates the Jews, the Jews created the Communist, they tried to use the Communist to finish up the West, but it did not work well. Today the Jews use U.S to achieve their goal, control U.S first, then destroy it, Wall street, Hollywood, mortgages, CNN owned by the Jews, American socialism was built by the Jews, Gay movement was created by the Jews, U.S will fall because of those policies, if U.S falls, the whole White culture will fall as well, the Jews is the winner finally. The next target is China, the Jews already has influence in Chinese medium. Looking back the world history, all the Left wing movements was planed and programed by the Jews. The Jews hates European, Russian, American and Chinese, the Jews, Japs and Taiwan are three big dirty "people" on this planet, do we really need them? they use other people' s resource, man
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