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Japanese scholars choke: Japan
送交者: ice 2021月11月07日18:29:33 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 印度航母"忘记"球鼻艏是个笑话?其实是基建不足的锅三把刀 于 2021-11-04 18:35:35

In 1951, Japan and the United States signed the new Japan-UNITED States Security Treaty, which enhanced the equality of Japan-United States relations and corrected the unequal provisions and contents of the old treaty to a large extent. However, several issues that the Japanese people are most concerned about have not been resolved: 1) the issue of U.S. troops stationed in Japan, U.S. military bases and criminal jurisdiction; 2. Nuclear weaponization of U.S. military bases in Japan; 3. The return of Ryukyu and Bonin Islands. The most important is that the new treaty expanded the application area, greatly increasing the risk of Japan involved in the War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Since then, the positioning of the Japan-US alliance has changed, and the US bases in Japan have become the forward bases of the US forces in the Far East.

Since then, Japan's economy has developed, and the United States began to demand that Japan shoulder defense funds. In 1972, when Okinawa was returned to Japan at the end of the Vietnam War, the cabinet's Legislative Affairs Office rejected the notion that the exercise of collective self-defense was unconstitutional, and Japan escaped responsibility for the Far East.

As a result, Japan remains under the US nuclear umbrella. The opposition parties argue that Japan should maintain its position as an unarmed neutral nation if its physical security can be secured within the framework of the Japan-U.S. alliance. As a result, Japan's ruling and opposition parties are enjoying peace in an American-made incubator. In this way, the Japanese people, as the owner of national sovereignty on the surface, defend their country, but in fact, the United States is trying to destroy our inviolable "national body"!

The Japan-U.S. alliance is one of the longest military alliances in world history, but that doesn't mean it will survive for all time. The end of Japan's childhood may well be at hand, if so warned by the US President, as history has handed it.

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