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Hu Jin-tao's Wishful Thinking Is Impractical.
送交者: BestWishes 2008月06月18日18:34:51 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 胡锦涛面临信任危机YDX 于 2008-06-18 18:00:17
We can imagine that China under Hu is trying all the best to pull Japan away from the US. That is only Hu's wishful thinking. Hu doesn't know that how deep Japan has leaned toward the US, and how much the US has controlled Japan. In other words, Japan has no way to struggle off the grip of the US no matter Japan likes it or not.

Hu Jin-tao should be disillusioned on Japan otherwise, otherwise, China may be losing in many ways (陪了夫人又折兵). And Hu himself will leave only a notorious name in Chinese history.
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