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送交者: 包大廳 2010年10月29日05:33:20 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话


在这一计划下,他们一夜之间以非理性的手段破坏我国的稀土出口业,让国际上产生我国将以稀土为武器,攻击全世界的正常生产秩序的印象,让全世界认为我国稀土从此不再具有商业意义上的价值。经过他们的精密策划,这一目标已经完全达到。他们占领道德高地,以极端的民族主义欺骗国民,好像在用稀土保家卫国,赢得广大被欺骗的国民的欢呼。实际上是破坏我国稀土垄断,让海外稀土资本一夜间身价百倍。我党我军卖国手段之高超,真是前无古人后无来者啊。更可恨的是他们还派人到网上为他们欢呼,愚弄广大网友智慧. 如今我党内卖国集团极其猖狂,还派出很多人占据海内外各重要论坛造势. 这就是为什么各论坛都有很多全职论霸,本坛是谁,想必大家也清楚.



Why We Care About Rare-Earth Metals

by Ryan xxxx, Contributing Editor, xxxxxx Daily

China's rattling its saber... but there's reason for optimism

In the news recently, it hasn't been hard to find plenty of stories worried about the future of rare-earth metals.

These materials are, obviously, relatively hard to get... and they're becoming more important to a wide variety of industries.

Computers use them. Phones use them. Autos use them -- and they'll be needed in much greater abundance as more vehicles become hybrids or plug-ins; rare-earth metals are essential for the advanced batteries and electric motors in hybrids.

And China has a near-monopoly on supply. Right now, China produces around 97% of all rare-earth metals, and it's not scared to use that control to its advantage.

During a recent spat with Japan, China cut off all rare-earth metal exports until Japan backed down. During recent disagreements with Western nations, there was concern that China could cut exports of the metals -- further, that is.

As things stand now, China has been reducing exports 5 -10% a year, at the time when demand is increasing exponentially and prices are jumping wildly. The New York Times even reported that China was quietly redirecting rare-earth shipments bound for the U.S.

Some have thought China's actions with rare-earth metals were similar to OPEC tactics (Deng Xiaoping himself compared China's metal finds to Middle East oil). To my eyes, China is acting more like Russia.

Whenever Russia doesn't like something politically, it threatens -- or actually -- cuts off its vast natural gas exports. The rest of Europe can't survive without those supplies, so Russia often gets its way through bullying.

That's exactly what China's started doing.

However, there is hope for some relief -- and China's bad behavior is directly responsible for the rush to alternatives.

97%, And Shrinking

Yes, China currently produces 97% of the rare-earth metals now mined.

But two-thirds of those metals actually reside outside China.

In the 1980s and 1990s, China aggressively mined rare-earth metals, seeing them as a very lucrative find. China had the good fortune of undergoing a massive infrastructure build out late enough in the game that the worth of rare-earth metals was obvious.

By contrast, there was a massive rare-earth metal find in California in 1922 -- but they were thought worthless at the time.

Not so anymore. One huge mine has been the sight of some waste spills, but clean up is now being accelerated to get at the huge horde of rare-earth metals already known to be there.

Idaho is also home to large known lodes of the metals. Congress is now discussing a large influx of loans to speed up the process of getting these metals out of the ground and to our businesses -- thereby reducing our dependence on China's caches.

The long and the short of it is, there's a huge influx of cash on the way to companies controlling America's sizable rare-earth metal deposits.

One thing's for sure: You shouldn't sit on this opportunity. Once Congress starts supplying emergency funding, you can bet the media will be all over these profits -- and the chance at large early profits will be gone.

Now's the time to act. And to help you take the next step we've prepared a Free Investment Strategy Webinar for you on the situation... and we've included the companies now poised for a massive jump in profits. This webinar is totally free to you. All you have to do is sign up here to get access to it.


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