中越战争中,双方投入的兵力与损失是多少? |
送交者: 岚少爷 2011年06月17日05:32:47 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话 |
1979年的中越战争中,双方投入的兵力与损失是多少,众说不一。为了解决这个问题,我当初是从英文版维基入手的,然后根据其提供的索引顺藤摸瓜。 中国投入的兵力大家没有什么争议,配备了两百辆50,62和63式坦克的二十万大军: On February 17, a PRC force of about 200,000 supported by 200 Type 59, Type 62, and Type 63 tanks from the PRC People's Liberation Army (PLA) entered northern Vietnam.[22] 有争议的是越南出动的兵力。越南声称只有七万正规军,和数目不详的民兵。中国则说越南出动的正规军是这个数目的两倍: The Vietnamese government claimed they left only a force of about 70,000 including several army regular divisions in its northern area. However, the Chinese claimed to have encountered more than twice this number. During the war, Vietnamese forces also used American military equipment abandoned during the Vietnam War. 苏 联崩溃后,俄罗斯《红星报》采访了原苏联武装部队驻越南总参谋部顾问团成员。据介绍,当时越南要求苏联立即履行苏越友好合作条约的义务,苏联决定向越南总 参谋部派遣军事指挥顾问团协助作战。苏军总参谋长奥加尔科夫元帅挑选刚被授予大将军衔的国防部第一副总监奥巴图罗夫担任总军事顾问。 2月19日晨顾问团乘飞机抵达河内,各顾问分别派到越军总参谋部各对口局进入状况。奥本人则乘火车赴谅山前线就地了解战况。沿途只见从谅山逃下来的难民如潮水般涌向河内,道路堵塞,无法前行,只得换乘吉普车。 在前线指挥所奥了解到战线极不确定,越军的防守战术呈现手工作坊式的特点,完全是游击战性质。相当一部分越南部队已被敌人包围,整个防线近于崩溃。他认为必须即刻采取措施巩固河内针对谅山方向的防守,为此需要从柬埔寨撤回一部分部队在河内以北建立新的防线。 奥巴图罗夫找到黎笋,向他讲解了前线的严峻局势并建议立刻调回一个军;用刚从苏联运到的武器紧急组建一个BM-21火箭炮师,补充增援到谅山方向。黎笋批准了上述建议。从柬埔寨撤回的一个军分乘火车和安-12军用运输机星夜驰援河内。 这些部队随后有没有被投入战场呢?答案应该是肯定的,因为解放军在战后展示的战利品,其中就有BM-21火箭炮,俗称“冰雹”火箭炮。所以,保守估计,与解放军厮杀的越南正规军,可能是十一万人左右。从理论上讲,其武器装备和单兵经验胜过解放军,因为他们几乎个个是越南的王牌师。 至于中国军队的损失情况,魏京生偷到了一份情报,卖给了西方媒体:九千人牺牲,一万多人负伤。他因此被老邓送进了大牢。后来史文银在其著作中不慎泄密 - 他的数据是6954人牺牲,14800人负伤,另有238人被俘。这两个数字与越南人的估计相吻合,他们认为自己打死打伤了两万多解放军。 To this day, both sides of the conflict describe themselves as the victor. The number of casualties is disputed, with some Western sources putting PLA casualties at more than 20,000 throughout the war. Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng told western media in 1980 the Chinese troops had suffered 9,000 deaths and more than 10,000 wounded during the war,[26] but recent leak shows that the PLA had 6,954 killed and 14,800 wounded,[4] and 238 Prisoners of War [27] in the course of the war. 至于他们自己的伤亡数据,越南政府守口如瓶。中国宣称打死越南正规军100,100人,打伤一万多人,俘虏2210人。至于消灭了多少民兵,中国政府没有相关统计。不过,越南的一个省委党报曾透露,战争期间约有二十万“平民”被打死。 There are no independently verifiable details of Vietnamese casualties; like their counterparts in the Chinese government, the Vietnamese government has never announced any information on its actual military casualties. The Nhan Dan newspaper[24] the Central Organ of the Communist Party of Vietnam claimed that Vietnam suffered more than 200,000 civilian deaths during the Chinese invasion[24] and earlier on May 17, 1979, reported statistics on heavy losses of industry and agriculture properties.[24] Vietnamese armed personnel: Regular forces (from Chinese sources): 100,100 killed in total, Wounded: more than 10,000. 2210 Prisoners of War.[4][28] Province Militia and divisions of the Public Security Army: unknown, the causality estimated: 70,000[29] 这个数目有点骇人听闻,当然也不是不可能的(美国的估计是七万武装人员被击毙)。越南政府公报了一份长长的财产损失清单 – 看过后,我的结论是:在人家的土地上打仗,确实比较爽。 |
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