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送交者: SDUSA 2014年05月01日08:11:18 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2014-04-29
  • 16:40 (GMT+8)
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter developed by Lockheed Martin. (Photo/CFP)

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter developed by Lockheed Martin. (Photo/CFP)

The US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is capable of combating China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, reports Huanqiu, the website of China's nationalistic Global Times tabloid.

In a hypothetical aircraft carrier battle between China and the United States, the main fighter jets would include the United States' F-35C fifth-generation multirole fighter developed by Lockheed Martin and China's J-15 carrier-based jet developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation.

The F-35 is equipped with extremely powerful offensive capabilities for both land and sea combat, with a weapons load of eight tonnes and the capacity to carry four AIM20C and AIM-9X mid-range and short-range air-to-air missiles.

In an attack on the Liaoning the F-35 could carry joint strike missiles developed in Norway, which have a range of 290 kilometers. The J-15, on the other hand, could carry two YJ8-3 anti-missiles with a range of only 180 km.

In terms of radar technology, the US has the clear upper hand with its AN/APG-81 AESA radar developed by Northrop Grumman, which has a thousand transceivers with the ability to simultaneously search for 23 moving targets, including 19 targets in just 2.4 seconds, after which it would turn to tracking mode.

Even against China's J-20, the stealth, twin-engine fifth-generation fighter aircraft prototype being developed by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, the F-35 would still be the first to detect its opponent due to its superior radar.

Observers are asking whether the Japan Air Self-Defense Force will make modifications to its F-35A jets to use the domestically developed AAM-4 and AAM-5 medium-range active radar-guided air-to-air missiles or if they will use US missiles given the differences in dimensions.

The problem for Japan is the cost of the F-35A, which could mean fewer aircraft if the price continues to rise. The price of the F-35A was US$111.6 million back in 2010, while the F-35B cost US$109.4 million and the F-35C was priced at US$142.9 million; since then the average price of one F-35 has risen to as high as US$228 million, according to some sources.

  美国不是自己辟谣,说F35隐形对中俄不起作用吗?  /无内容 - BOA2000 05/03/14 (275)
    湿蒂爱做湿梦,你就别搅了人家越来越难得的梦了。  /无内容 - fangemin 05/01/14 (312)
      纯骂街的狗皮膏药帖就不要贴了。要说多少遍范葛氏才能自重?  /无内容 - SDUSA 05/01/14 (325)
        君子自重。看来范葛氏同样是小人一枚。嘿嘿。  /无内容 - SDUSA 05/01/14 (309)
          老羞成怒,把人家父母挂在嘴上,还谈什么君子?你别装蒜了。  /无内容 - fangemin 05/01/14 (336)
            对于老贴纯骂街狗皮膏药的,是不是应该教育它的家长?  /无内容 - SDUSA 05/01/14 (285)
            有人自翎君子,不过不是我。自翎君子却干小人的勾当。 - SDUSA 05/01/14 (273)
    就这些?如果看不懂建议使用古狗翻译看看还有什么。  /无内容 - SDUSA 05/01/14 (287)
      动不动就要显摆你的英文水平,臊不臊啊?  /无内容 - fangemin 05/01/14 (298)
        哪有资格显摆?连deadly wrong都出来了,怎么显摆?  /无内容 - SDUSA 05/01/14 (292)
          只有理解了装嫩就是plastic makeover才能显摆。 - SDUSA 05/01/14 (319)
    汉和将歼-15比F-35C,认为歼-15不占明显上风  /无内容 - qwtie66 05/01/14 (327)
      把辽宁舰的防空系统全部遗忘,只剩歼-15了  /无内容 - qwtie66 05/01/14 (288)
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