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美国雅虎网站:中国反腐打大老虎 美评论惊人
送交者: hebeiman1 2014年07月03日09:16:05 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
美国雅虎网站:中国反腐打大老虎 美评论惊人
送交者: 大侠客88[御史大夫★★★☆] 于 2014-07-03 9:09 已读 219 次  

中国反腐打大老虎 美评论惊人

楼主:兴麟房产官网 时间:2014-07-03 18:10:00 点击:5489 回复:48
美国雅虎网站上网友对中国关于打大老虎的评论:    The day we start cracking down on our politicians, we will be left with no US Congress.    我们要是如此整治政客的话,美国国会早死光光了    We would not have any politicians left if an investigation of this magnitude would happen to our government.    如果我们也来一次这种程度的反腐,我们的政府将空无一人。   Just imagine if all of the corrupt Obama administration officials were expelled; there wouldn't be anyone left!    想象一下,奥巴马政府的那些腐败人员被驱逐的后的样子吧,这将一无所留    关于美国政客腐败的书籍。    Corruptions have been around in every corner of the world since human's existence. So what's the big deal for you to post your idiotic comments.    自从有人类以来腐败就存在每一个地方,你们的蠢蛋评论又有什么大不了的呢?    Absolute power corrupts. The longer anyone retains absolute power, the more corrupt they will become. We see this in everyday political life here in the USA and in other countries.    The difference between China and the USA? The Chinese general might be killed. A US general would be retired.    绝对权力造成腐败,一个人的权利把控时间越长,越容易腐败,在美国和其他国家的政治生涯中屡见不鲜   而美国和中国的区别就是,中国贪污的会被处死,而美国的贪污将军会合法退休。    In the San Francisco Bay area corrupt FBI and DEA agents are running a theft ring. They fabricate evidence and steal from their suspects.    If you complain or become a whistle blower, watch out because they will hit you with every thing their government office has to offer.    在旧金山海湾地区,腐败的FBI和禁毒署探员就是一帮贼窝,他们捏造证据,甚至还偷窃嫌犯的财产    你要敢抱怨或者告发,呵呵,他们会用政府提供的一切手段让你叫爹   If I didn't know any better I'd think this was Barack Obama's regime.    我还以为这是奥巴马政府在反腐呢    Certainly, their system is vastly different from ours, but you must they get things done with a minimum of wasted effort. Obviously, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but you have to respect it. And respect for their culture is the best approach to understanding.    确实他们的体系和我们不一样,但是你必须知道他们付出最小的代价把事情解决,明显,这不是适用于所有国家,但是你必须尊重他们,尊重别人的文化才是最好的理解方式    they need to do this for the government and all the CEO etc in America too.    美国政府和高管们也需要这样来一次    People don't care about the candidates, they all care about the parties. If Hitler and Mussolini is running for Democrats, they will vote for them and the same thing goes with the Republicans.   人们根本不在候选人是谁,他们关心的是党派,如果希特勒和墨索里尼民主党,他们一样会投票。    I usually bash China, but this, is a few times I applaud them. If the Philippine military is investigated, not even junior officers will remain.    When the Philippines lost control of the Scarborough Shoal, not one Naval Officer were brought to court martial. Nobody resigned or hanged for cowardice. Shame.    我经常在网上黑中国,但是这次,是仅有的几次要赞的,如果菲律宾开始调查的话,就算是最低级的官员也会被清除掉。    菲律宾控制不住岛礁的时候,都没有一个海军官员被送进军事法庭,也没有人因为太蠢而辞职或是上吊,真是耻辱。   It is embarrassing when Chinese leaders crack down on corruption, and the idiot leader we have escalates it.    中国的领导人在打击腐败,我们的蠢蛋领导人却在逐步升级,太汗颜了    Corruption in government? Say it isn't so !!    政府腐败?对他说不!    Off with his head. If we did this in the U.S., we'd have 536 headless people in Washington.    如果要砍首的话,我们在美国来一次,我们会在华盛顿摘下536个脑袋    Oh so in China they penalize there politicians and in American we just ignore our corruption and let them take millions in bribes to sell Americans short. Be Well   在中国政客会被惩罚,但在美国总会被无视,他们贪污了上百万美元来出卖美国,好吧    Send that prosecutor (from China) to the U.S. and give him A.G.Eric Holder's job, maybe they could clean up our corrupt Obama administration. Obama makes those Chinese generals look like shop lifters.    Obama and Hillary are on the verge of bringing down our entire government with their lies and policies.    让那些中国的检察官来美国干A.G.Eric Holder的活吧,或许真的可以扫荡腐败的奥巴马政府,在奥巴马面前那些中国官员简直就是乳臭未干的小毛贼    奥巴马和希拉里撒谎的水平已经快要把整个美国政府搞垮了。   This is the guy who actually ran the entire Chinese military    这个下台的可是控制全中国军队的男人啊    I wonder if their president could come over here and clean house in our government on his spare time, on second thought that would take a full time job.    我觉得我们是否可以把他们的主席借来,让他在业余时间,清理一下我们的政府。还有就是他愿不愿意做全职。    At least the Chinese Government is actually doing something about corrupted. I wonder how much of the US government is corrupted?    至少中国做了一些反腐败斗争,我就是想知道美国政府腐败到什么程度了    中国和我们的不同就是,他们会公开处决那些损害国家利益的份子,而我们绝对会让他们拿全额退休金安享晚年,还要把他们刻画成国家英雄。    The difference between us and them is that they will execute publicly those involved in any corruption that is not beneficial to the state, while we simply let those caught retire with a full pension and portray them as heroes or something.   Why don't we do something like this here? If we sold tickets to the hanging of Pelosi, Reid and a few others, I bet we could pay off the national debt.    我们为什么不类似的事情?如果我们去售票来观看绞死Pelosi以及其他一些人,我觉得门票钱都可以偿还美债了。    If we did this, the US Government would drop by 2 Million Employees    如果我们照做,美国政府雇员会立刻下岗200万   Here we have corrupt congressmen, there they have corrupt Generals    我们有腐败的国会,他们有腐败的将军    Who was the last American politician that was not already bought and paid for through campaign donations? His name is Jesse Ventura.    知不知道上一个没有花一毛钱捐助钱去参选的政治家是谁?Jesse Ventura    Oh man that guy's dead. They'll execute him for sure.    这家伙死定了,他们肯定要裁决他的啊    Corruption in China? I don't believe it!   中国也有腐败?我不信!    I never understand why older people dye their hair black. It is so obvious and looks strange.    搞不懂有些老人为什么总是染黑发,看起来太明显了,也很怪    When Americans enter you country, you will inherit their corruption and greed.    当美国人进入你的国家,你就会学到他们的腐败和贪婪了   Our entire government needs to be arrested for the fleecing of our country!    我们整个政府都在拔国家的羊毛,全都都该逮捕    In the US, they don't need to corrupt; they just need to ship the jobs to anywhere the cheap labor is. That's the power of capitalism.    米尔网 www.miercn.com    在美国,他们不需要腐败,他们只需要把工作岗位转移到有廉价劳动力的国家,这就是资本的力量    The only difference between their generals and ours is theirs do it for money and ours do it for sex    他们将军为了钱,而我们的是为了性    Shocking! Corruption in China?   震惊了!中国也有腐败?
    J童鞋,我并没有委托你任何事,不要打着我得旗号!  /无内容 - 陆小民 07/03/14 (557)
      是你问我拿了钱没有,我证明给你看,有什么文题么?  /无内容 - J66 07/03/14 (511)
        你要想问别人问题,用自己的名义好了,不要打我的旗号!。  /无内容 - 陆小民 07/03/14 (235)
          而且这是得到你的支持的,不许赖帐哟! - J66 07/03/14 (256)
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