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Thank you so very much!
送交者: 越英 2008月12月03日21:18:31 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Great singing! I am amazed.Kannon 於 2008-12-03 20:01:35
I really want to thank you for guiding me into the enchanting world of Misora Hibari and to ‘blame’ you for all the sleep I’ve lost due to the charm of her singing. I’m positive that I’m nowhere near her vocal beauty and exceptional singing technique but I’m proud I’ve tried and tried hard. Your advice is highly appreciated and I’ll try to improve accordingly.

Are there any other mastersingers you think I should know about?

Thanks again.
  I really want to thank you for - 越英 12/03/08 (167)
    Sen Masao's early song - Kannon 12/04/08 (174)
      I really enjoy - 越英 12/04/08 (144)
        Thanks and happy holidays! - Kannon 12/04/08 (152)
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