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Here is another song
送交者: alsoRun 2008月12月13日15:44:52 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 請你聽聽我唱的版本。山西一號 於 2008-12-13 10:43:51
"紅紅的雨花石" is a TV movie made in 1983 that 記錄了一個窮人家的孩子在舊社會裡,受盡苦難,最後在地下黨孫大叔的指引下,踏着革命烈士的足跡,終於光榮地成為了一名新四軍戰士。I was already out of college that time. So it was not a song of my childhood. It must be that I started reading the book version as a child. I remember that the song resonated with me a big time. It was about an ordinary child who nevertheless dreamed of being part of a grand cause (revolution in that case). It was then 25 years of separation until I rediscovered it yesterday. I posted for people of similar experience and it was a really pleasant surprise to find a "zhi ying" in a new listener.

Here is another song "May I be the spring breeze that blows over your heart" (sorry I can not type Chinese on this computer). Go to


and the click g035.mp3.

See if you like it.
  謝謝介紹。你給的這個新歌地址, - 山西一號 12/14/08 (157)
    You can try the site again or - alsoRun 12/14/08 (132)
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