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A good melody is critical
送交者: newmic2 2009月02月16日16:19:30 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 真是很惊喜,没有想到组织者居然请赵先生花时间我爱微风 于 2009-02-15 20:53:51
to a pop song, i.e,. people can easily remember the song and make it popular. I think the melody is the THE most important thing in a song, which you may not agree. Other stuff like harmony, 半音,假声,and 枴来拐去like Jay Chou, David Tao, and Lihom Lee can only 增色,but not the soul of the song. I agree with you that it is time to make it simpler instead of making it more complex. If you let Mr. Zhao hear the song you wrote for your father, I believe he will have a totally different opinion. That song is a soul song. That song's range is very large, but it does not matter because it really carries out what you think in a simple and direct way which can touch people's soul directly. Keep up you good work. That was my own opinion and may be wrong.
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