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【Bésame mucho ~ 吻我 多 多 ~ 】
送交者: 歌哥 2019年03月30日13:27:05 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

【Bésame mucho ~ 吻我 多 多 ~ Kiss Me More ~】



Bésame Mucho   歌詞

"Bésame Mucho" ("Kiss me a lot") is a song written in 1940

by Mexican songwriter Consuelo Velázquez.


It is one of the most famous boleros, and was recognized in 1999 as

the most sung and recorded Mexican song in the world.



Besame mucho
Como si fuera ésta noche
La última vez
Besame, besame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después
Besame mucho
Como si fuera ésta noche
La última vez
Besame, besame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después
Quiero tenerte muy cerca
Mirarme en tus ojos
Verte junto a mi
Piensa que tal vez mañana
Yo ya estaré lejos,
Muy lejos de ti
Besame mucho
Como si fuera ésta noche

Kiss me, kiss me a lot
As if tonight were the last time
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
For I'm scared to lose you, to lose you afterwards

Kiss me, kiss me a lot
As if tonight were the last time
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
For I'm scared to lose you, to lose you afterwards

I want to feel you very close, see myself in your eyes, see you near me
Think that maybe tomorrow I'll already be far, very far away from you

Kiss me, kiss me a lot
As if tonight were the last time
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
For I'm scared to lose you, to lose you afterwards

I want to feel you very close, see myself in your eyes, see you near me
Think that maybe tomorrow I'll already be far, very far away from you

Kiss me, kiss me a lot
As if tonight were the last time
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
For I'm scared to lose you, to lose you afterwards

Besame Mucho > Kiss Me A Lot



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