飛星:歌詞試譯《藍旗袍》(修改) |
送交者: 飛星 2020年01月04日19:38:18 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話 |
這深閨幽怨,這低吟緩唱,讓我駐足她窗外聽了又聽... 不禁想給這歌詞翻譯一下。(視頻配圖裡的女子和旗袍真漂亮!) 《藍旗袍》 The Blue Qipao Dress Lyrics: 想念你送的藍旗袍 I miss the blue qipao dress you gave 每一個輪廓都如此的窈窕 So willowy it had my contours shaped 桃紅胭脂黛青發梢 Cheeks dabbed in pink rouge, hair tinted emerald 窗外開滿了芍藥那光景多好 Peonies blossoming by the windows... so sweet those days were 誓言是一件藍旗袍 But your promise is like a blue qipao 時光的河流把顏色都洗掉 Time has its colors all washed out 山水迢迢錦書縹緲 So far distanced apart, so misty is your whereabout 歡愉被風吹散了再無處尋找 My joy is gone with the wind, nowhere to be found 糾結的情絲將我纏繞 Knotted feelings have me entangled 情事如花開過就謝了 Love is such as flowers, blossom then wither 在鏡前為你梳妝的女子 So many times in front of the mirror for you she dresses up 錯過了多少良宵 So many sweet nights she has longed for but never turn out 記憶的台階荒煙蔓草 Memory stairs * have become weedy and desolate 拾級而上夢落知多少 Each step on them is accompanied by a dream cracked 歲月里為你守候的女子 Pity the girl who's been waiting for you all these years 等不來一個擁抱 Waiting for a hug that never appears * 註:我本來想用英文裡一個現有的詞 “memory lane” 來對譯 “記憶的台階”,但覺得直譯為 "memory stairs" 也並無不可。Lane 跟 stairs 都是走道,有人喜歡走 lane,有人喜歡走 stairs,只是一種形象比喻,一種修辭手法而已。 參考: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/223590/whats-the-origin-of-the-memory-lane |
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