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高歌低吟: Come share the wine!
送交者: 高歌低吟 2022年07月21日19:45:31 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話



The streets were dark and the night was cold and yet I walk alone
I saw the lights of a cozy place with lanterns all aglow
Somebody cried, "Don't wait outside, come say, hello"

The people there, they were singing songs I knew when I was young
And from the jukebox I heard the sounds, I needed to recall
I sang along with every song, I knew them all

Come share the wine
No one is a stranger here, they're your friends and mine
Everyone's your brother, we're a long way from home
And we need each other, have no fear, you're welcome here
Come share the wine
It's so nice and warm in here, we're happy and kind
We can understand that you're a long way from home
But we have each other, have no fear, you'll like it here

It's not so easy to feel at home when home's so far away
When all the longing and all the wanting is for yesterday
You've made me find some peace of mind I'd like to stay

The world seems colder when you're a stranger from a foreign land
You need to feel that someone cares and that they understand
Many a tear would disappear if we joined hands

Come share the wine
No one is a stranger here, they're your friends and mine
Everyone's your brother, we're a long way from home
And we need each other, have no fear, you're welcome here

Come share the wine
It's so nice and warm in here, we're happy and kind
We can understand that you're a long way from home
But we have each other, have no fear, you'll like it here

  高歌低吟精彩演繹,又進步了,大讚!! - 月亮花花 07/24/22 (85)
  這送別禮物,太棒了!高歌,跟你躍動!  /無內容 - 老好人 07/23/22 (104)
  好唱!歌詞寫得很感動人,節奏鮮明,英語一級棒!  /無內容 - 不列顛地主 07/23/22 (96)
  唱得太棒了,瀟灑自如,很有味道!贊!:)  /無內容 - 小聲音 07/22/22 (123)
  Nice and warm!  /無內容 - 加一淳 07/22/22 (127)
  流暢自如太老道了~~~好暖心!  /無內容 - 水雲間 07/22/22 (119)
  再加二個字 - 老地雷 07/22/22 (188)
    謝謝茜西,你的好聲音也要充分利用  /無內容 - 高歌低吟 07/22/22 (121)
    謝謝樹燁子喜歡,也欣賞喜歡你的歌,聲音和音樂素養都一流  /無內容 - 高歌低吟 07/22/22 (122)
  BRAVO~👍👍🌹🌹👏👏 - big-apple 07/22/22 (184)
    你這MP簡直了,Al Martino聲音太好,越老越好 - 高歌低吟 07/22/22 (172)
      不急,放鬆放鬆,我現在,在此坐班了😁 - big-apple 07/22/22 (145)
  占位。明天細聽  /無內容 - 茜西 07/21/22 (131)
  鼓掌!如此好歌當浮一大白!  /無內容 - 一唱 07/21/22 (162)
    Cheers! 真想跟一唱兄一起喝一杯!  /無內容 - 高歌低吟 07/22/22 (116)
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