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送交者: 東北一號 2009年01月13日12:16:41 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話
《Angel》 Spend all your time waiting For that second chance For a break that would make it okay There’s always one reason To feel not good enough And it’s hard at the end of the day I need some distraction Oh beautiful release Memory seeps from my veins Let me be empty And weightless and maybe I’ll find some peace tonight In the arms of an angel Fly away from here From this dark cold hotel room And the endlessness that you fear You are pulled from the wreckage Of your silent reverie You’re in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort there So tired of the straight line And everywhere you turn There’s vultures and thieves at your back And the storm keeps on twisting You keep on building the lie That you make up for all that you lack It don’t make no difference Escaping one last time It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees In the arms of an angel Fly away from here From this dark cold hotel room And the endlessness that you fear You are pulled from the wreckage Of your silent reverie You’re in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort there You’re in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort here
  讓聽者側耳的好歌,祝福WQ全家新年快樂  /無內容 - laozhongguancun 01/14/09 (122)
  考糊了。 - 子丹^ 01/14/09 (138)
    糊了就糊了,別找藉口! - 東北一號 01/14/09 (100)
  不確定是誰唱的,就仔細欣賞好唱了:)  /無內容 - emory854 01/13/09 (167)
    see - life_is_short 01/24/09 (134)
      see3 - life_is_short 01/24/09 (65)
        see4 - life_is_short 01/24/09 (76)
      see2 - life_is_short 01/24/09 (91)
  $$$$$$公布答案$$$$$$ - 東北一號 01/13/09 (216)
    重發!$$$$$$公布答案$$$$$$ - 東北一號 01/13/09 (154)
      哈哈~~這個逗!原來 - HaiShi 01/13/09 (88)
    w=500,h=300,嘿嘿  /無內容 - 阿團 01/13/09 (88)
  這聲音好像warmqueen  /無內容 - 阿團 01/13/09 (194)
    你咋到處拿獎?沒別人的了。:) - 東北一號 01/13/09 (165)
      樓下我的貼又竄了,跟這兒吧 - 阿團 01/13/09 (104)
  我也聽出來了 - 翠花上酸菜 01/13/09 (87)
  這是原唱吧?  /無內容 - 漁園時麥 01/13/09 (52)
  不是拉拉就是耳機要不就是釘子也可能是那誰誰  /無內容 - liv4lov 01/13/09 (82)
  俺一下就聽出來了不是俺唱的。:)這歌唱得美極了。  /無內容 - 哈哈珠子 01/13/09 (185)
    頭兩句唱得和哈哈珠子一樣好聽,後面就欠一些了:)  /無內容 - blueranger 01/13/09 (135)
        可除了你,別人連點可能性都沒有。 - 東北一號 01/14/09 (75)
  有獎? 留給他們得吧.  /無內容 - 北雁南飛 01/13/09 (98)
  猜不出。  /無內容 - 夢萍韻 01/13/09 (105)
  俺覺得是紅門,嘿嘿  /無內容 - 長江長 01/13/09 (98)
  lao xiang 哈哈珠子 for sure!  /無內容 - 春妮兒 01/13/09 (70)
  哈哈珠子 - blueranger 01/13/09 (109)
  Sarah McLachlan ? not sure!  /無內容 - 游鳳老農 01/13/09 (69)
  Sarah McLachlan ? not sure!  /無內容 - 游鳳老農 01/13/09 (90)
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