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送交者: Bach 2005年07月25日16:55:11 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

傅聰是華人中的前輩鋼琴家. 以蕭邦作品見長.

他的蕭邦夜曲專輯, 由SONY公司出版. 值得收藏.
馬祖卡專輯, 則因為鋼琴音色的問題, 不受歡迎.
網上看見三位鋼琴家對他的評價. 嘗試翻譯如下.


傅聰是我們親近的朋友. 對我們這些圈內人來說, 他是我們時代偉大的鋼琴家之一
. 他的許多詮釋是傑出的, 應當作為年輕一代音樂家的指導. 我們情況, 作為這些
古典音樂的解釋者, 在藝術上, 心理上, 社會上與畫家詩人不一樣. 我們的音樂是
上至兩百五十年前在歐洲不同國家的歷史背景下作成的. 在音樂會中, 我們感覺到
當代人的呼吸, 他們在幾小時前從事着各種不同的活動, 可以是政治, 勞動, 科學
, 商業等等, 代表着現代社會的一切. 我們這些音樂家, 只是間接地和這些有關.

作為古典音樂的解釋者, 我們和寫下的作品中像紀念碑那樣的準確的指示聯繫着,
同時我們也面對着前輩解釋者, 我們的老師, 以至最後, 面對着音樂歷史. 比較畫
家和詩人, 他們有無限的自由. 音樂家基本上住在西方文化氛圍中. 眾所周知,
對我們來說, 懂得東方的文化和哲學是多麼的困難. 但是, 東方的人文和我們的西
方古典音樂傳統這一世界語言, 有着深刻的關聯. 傅聰有着偉大的音樂天賦, 並有
這奇妙的手指功力. 他還有這罕有的與音樂大師作品溝通的識別能力. 這種識別能
力 不僅僅是感情上的, 而且是智力上的. 傅聰成為了我們時代偉大的老師之一.
我們感激他的新的理念, 為我們開創了新的音樂地平線. 我們期望全世界的音樂

Martha Argerich, Bruxelles
Leon Fleishier, Baltimore
Radu Lupu, Lausanne

A Letter to Dear Music Lovers

Fou Ts'ong is a dear friend of ours. For us, the insiders, he is one of the great pianists of our time. Many of his interpretations are outstanding and should be taken as guidelines for the young generation of musicians. Our situation, as interpreters of classical music, differs artistically, psychologically and socially from the situation of painters, poets and other artists. Our music has been composed up to 250 years ago within various European nations with different historical backgrounds. In concert we feel the breath of people of today, who, some hours earlier had been involved in various other activities, be it politics, labor, science, commerce, etc., and who represent the highs and lows of the modern world. We, the musicians, are involved in this only indirectly.
As interpreters of classical music we are tied to the written compositions with all their precise instructions, which stand out like monuments, we also face older generations of interpreters, our teachers, and finally, we are confronted with the history of music. With this background in mind we try to express our own feelings, insights and emotions. In comparison, painters and poets work in almost unlimited freedom. The musicians move in a basically western cultural surrounding. It is well known how difficult it is for us to grasp an understanding of Eastern art and philosophy. But there is a deep correlation between the humanism of the East and our classical musical heritage as "world language." Fou Ts'ong has the great gift of a natural musical talent, accompanied by wonderful manual skills. He also has the very rare gift to identify himself von Mensch zu Mensch, with the great masters of classical compositions. This identification is not only emotional, but also intellectual, there, Fou Ts'ong became one of the great teachers of our time. We are obliged to Fou Ts'ong for all his new ideas and for opening new musical horizons for all of us. ...... It is our wish that the relationship between the world of music lovers and Fou Ts'ong will be deepened.

Martha Argerich, Bruxelles
Leon Fleishier, Baltimore
Radu Lupu, Lausanne


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