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The Promise
送交者: km 2006年08月16日06:58:48 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

The Promise


Composição: Indisponível

The way the moon bends down to light the sea
And catches hold
Of mountains strong
They stand beside me and all that I am
They have written in my soul
I've made a promise to never lose sight
Of the dream that leads me home
And this much I know

Time like a river
Sends me away
But here on these shores
My heart remais
From these shores I came

A tender wind that reaches through the years
And sings me on
Through joy and pain
It breathes within me and all that I am
It has written in my soul
I've made a promise to never lose sight
Of the dream that leads me home
And this much I know
And this much I know

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