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送交者: xlbr 2008年05月14日08:53:22 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

Call for donation to the Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund

A massive 7.8-magnitude earthquake centered in Wenchuan, Sichuan, China occurred at 14:28 pm, May 12, 2008. The death toll in the earthquake climbed past 13,000 on Tuesday. The death toll and missing are still adding every minute as rescue workers dug through flattened schools and homes in a desperate effort to save more survivors of China's worst earthquake in three decades. Local Chinese and Chinese American organizations held a conference on May 12 and decided to form the “Michigan Chinese Sichuan Earthquake Relief Working Committee” and called for donation to "Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund". A seven-member core team has been formed to coordinate the effort and to ensure all fund go to needed parties in China, in the most efficient way and in a timely manner. The conference decided to give the donation directly to China Red Cross.

There are many donation collection channels in the local Chinese Community:

1. Check: Payable to MCF/Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund
Mail to CAGD “Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund”, P.O.Box 1343, Troy, MI 48099
2. Chinese Schools in the Metro Detroit area (ACSGD, New Century, Ann Hua…) are collecting donations on site;
3. Local Chinese and Chinese American organizations are collecting donations through their member network;
4. Online donation: http://cagd.org/sichuan/
5. Contact your organizations and companies for this donation drive.

All donations are tax deductible with receipts from MCF upon request.
It’s time to show your humanity and support to help Sichuan earthquake rescue and relief effort. Help the needed people in China! Thank you very much for your generosity!

Michigan Chinese Sichuan Earthquake Relief Working Committee, May 13, 2008

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