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Do You Know? By 越英
送交者: 越英 2009年04月09日17:29:09 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
Do you know? 原唱:Diana Ross 翻唱:越英 Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? do you know? Do you get what you're hoping for? When you look behind you there's no open door What are you hoping for? Do you know? Once we were standing still in time Chasing the fantasies that filled our minds You knew i loved you, but my spirit was free Laughing at the question that you once ask me Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? do you know? Now, looking back in all we pass We've let so many dreams just slip through our hands Why must we wait so long before we see How sad the answers to those questions can be? Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? do you know? Do you get what you're hoping for? When you look behind you there's no open door What are you hoping for? do you know?
  全方位的艺人,开演唱会吧!  /无内容 - yulan 04/12/09 (173)
  再欣赏再享受再仰望越大师~~  /无内容 - 小雨~ 04/11/09 (195)
  越英这个听不见.  /无内容 - 希阳 04/11/09 (156)
  唱得真是棒极了, 为越大腕喝彩!  /无内容 - liv4lov 04/11/09 (203)
    谢李班捧场喝彩!再顶您楼上美唱!  /无内容 - 越英 04/11/09 (134)
  Do you know where you are - 古钟 04/11/09 (186)
    Where's the concert? I want to - 越英 04/11/09 (150)
  真棒!!! - blueranger 04/11/09 (248)
    谢蓝骑彩声!英文京剧没试过。总觉... - 越英 04/11/09 (175)
  越英多才。E歌也棒哈!  /无内容 - 一唱 04/11/09 (175)
    谢一唱班长捧场鼓励!  /无内容 - 越英 04/11/09 (174)
  献上GP 给阿越。。。。。。 - 卡卡 04/10/09 (266)
    大谢卡卡GP! - 越英 04/10/09 (226)
  非常地棒!very nice, indeed......  /无内容 - 梦江南_ 04/10/09 (209)
    Appreciate the compliment... - 越英 04/10/09 (170)
  很好听!鼓掌!英文歌不好唱.  /无内容 - 江毅 04/10/09 (187)
    谢江毅捧场顶歌!再顶你楼下的灯光。  /无内容 - 越英 04/10/09 (156)
    丹丹大才,唱E歌绝对出彩。不会E文... - 越英 04/10/09 (217)
  晕了, 这是神还是人? DO YOU KNOW? O O  /无内容 - 谭韵英风 04/10/09 (125)
    O, 请接金鼎!!! 您不接,俺不走~~ O O O ~  /无内容 - 谭韵英风 04/10/09 (145)
      接鼎来迟,还乞见谅!祝谭老板EASTER快乐!期待您的新作。  /无内容 - 越英 04/10/09 (127)
  越英东西方的唱功都如此一流,实在佩服!  /无内容 - 八骑兵 04/10/09 (273)
    谢八骑兵赞赏!佩服你的歌唱才能,期待你的N重唱。  /无内容 - 越英 04/10/09 (187)
  越帅-超越英文和英雄的巾帼之帅。  /无内容 - 九远 04/10/09 (188)
  这个演唱太棒了!!!!  /无内容 - 林韵 04/10/09 (235)
    谢林韵热情鼓励!  /无内容 - 越英 04/10/09 (168)
  越帅厉害啊, 什么都厉害, E歌也是一流!!  /无内容 - 海淀人 04/10/09 (237)
    大谢海淀兄捧场!E歌初学乍练,还望多多批评。  /无内容 - 越英 04/10/09 (164)
  忧伤执着,却又透着豪爽!E歌伴奏哪儿来呢?  /无内容 - 剑宁 04/10/09 (142)
    谢剑宁妙语点评。只要知道歌名就可以... - 越英 04/10/09 (131)
  越英老师真是全才,E歌也唱得如此棒, 了不得啊!  /无内容 - 逍遥乐 04/10/09 (180)
  We all know... - 风在吹 04/10/09 (254)
    I don't know... - 越英 04/10/09 (223)
  真是好听!流连往返!  /无内容 - longevergreen 04/10/09 (225)
    多谢知音,感激不尽!  /无内容 - 越英 04/10/09 (192)
  新人顶的第一贴。好!  /无内容 - 红乐坊 04/10/09 (299)
    大礼重谢红乐坊无比珍贵的第一鼎!  /无内容 - 越英 04/10/09 (221)
    谢黄河谣热情鼓励!歌剧俺恐怕是... - 越英 04/09/09 (199)
  我(们)知道 ... - 点缀 04/09/09 (358)
    跟点缀兄学哲学: - 越英 04/09/09 (320)
      谢谢越英老师! - 点缀 04/09/09 (214)
    谢杨老板褒奖!ROSS要唱也得唱... - 越英 04/09/09 (158)
  越英大师的E歌唱的也很棒啊!  /无内容 - 游凤老农 04/09/09 (191)
    谢老农兄光临指导!  /无内容 - 越英 04/09/09 (152)
  Wawoo! This one is really... - kdwanwan 04/09/09 (229)
    Many, many thanks to KD for... - 越英 04/09/09 (190)
  越大师不仅戏唱得好,E歌也是一流呀!  /无内容 - zhangjing 04/09/09 (150)
    谢张老板好煤烟。俺这E歌远不入流,起起哄而已。  /无内容 - 越英 04/09/09 (127)
  听不到,鼎了再说~  /无内容 - 南岭翠 04/09/09 (179)
    谢南岭翠鼎!再试试,应该能听到的。  /无内容 - 越英 04/09/09 (122)
  很有内涵很有表现力的声音,唱功一流!  /无内容 - 迷戏 04/09/09 (170)
    谢迷戏美言鼓励!俺这唱功还得好好练。真是学无止境呀。  /无内容 - 越英 04/09/09 (123)
  I know that I'm listenning - 山西一号 04/09/09 (226)
    Thank you so much for - 越英 04/09/09 (171)
  难得越英的沙发了。。E歌唱的好棒啊!  /无内容 - 时光无限 04/09/09 (234)
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