成都中醫藥大學提供預防新冠病毒肺炎方案 |
送交者: 萬湖小舟1 2020年04月11日22:22:04 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話 |
成都中醫藥大學提供預防新冠病毒肺炎方案 小舟按: 小余醫生傳來這個視頻,讓我和大家分享。謝謝小余。 加州著名中醫師孫大夫對中醫預防和治療新冠肺炎有這樣的評述(取自文章: TCM Solution for Covid-19 Infection, Fei Sun, Ph.D., OMD, L.Ac.:) "中醫從業者已經找到了一種以完全不同的方式治療被Covid-19感染的患者的有效方法。從中醫角度看,大流行病的病因不僅是外源性病原體,而且還包括身體構成,潛在疾病,天氣,季節以及免疫系統對日冕病毒的反應。因此,大流行性疾病的治療決不能等同於殺死病原體。中醫策略不是專注於處理病毒,而是同時處理病毒和感染者。 ... 儘管抑制病毒很重要,但中醫治療Covid-19感染/肺炎的主要策略是控制患者的病理狀況,即減少發燒,控制感染,清除粘液,支持能量,促進血液循環,減輕咳嗽和喘息等。 ...... 簡而言之,我們的總體策略是抑制病毒,支持免疫系統,控制炎症,保護重要器官(心臟,肺,脾臟,腎臟),阻斷繼發性綜合徵並為身體免疫系統贏得更多時間誘導特異性抗體"。 免責聲明: 這裡提供的視頻信息均來自成都中醫藥大學。 這裡只是轉載。本文作者對視頻或文字上任何信息的準確性,充分性,有效性,可用性或完整性不做任何形式的明示或暗示的陳述或保證。 ZT: 向全球抗擊新冠肺炎疫情提供 “成中醫方案” 一、針灸療法篇 當前,新型冠狀病毒引起的肺炎疫情在全球構成“大流行”,世界各國人民應該攜起手來,共同抗擊疫情,構建人類健康命運共同體。在中國,中醫藥積極參與新冠肺炎疫情防治,深度介入、全程救治,在疾病的治療、預防和康復中發揮了獨特的作用。在與疫情鬥爭過程中,我們總結出穴位按壓、艾灸、皮內針、中醫功法等行之有效、簡便易學的中醫防護方法。 作為中國最早成立的四所中醫藥高等院校之一,成都中醫藥大學願意向各國人民介紹、分享中醫藥防治經驗,向全球提供居家防護新冠肺炎的成都中醫藥大學方案。 本方案包括“針灸療法”和“中國傳統養生功法”兩個部分。我們根據本次疫情的特點,結合中國抗擊疫情的成功實踐,向大家推薦穴位按壓、艾灸、耳穴、皮內針、龜形功、八段錦六種簡便易行的防治方法,用於新冠肺炎疫情期間大眾居家保健和輕症患者輔助治療。 第一部分“針灸療法”類 穴位按壓 穴位按壓是一種非常簡單的自我操作方法。通過對穴位的按壓刺激,可以疏通經絡、調和陰陽,促進機體自我調節和未病先防的作用。 灸法 灸法通過點燃艾條熨灼人體特定部位,起到抵抗病毒、止咳平喘、舒緩情緒的作用,可以顯著提高人體免疫力,達到強身健體的作用。 耳穴療法 耳穴療法通過王不留行籽、磁珠等壓丸刺激人體耳部的特定穴位,達到行氣活血、調整臟腑功能的作用,可緩解緊張情緒,保持健康狀態。 皮內針療法 皮內針療法又稱為埋針療法,是將特製的針具刺入、固定在患者皮內作較長時間留針,並在留針的過程中給予規律性按壓刺激,起到持續刺激作用的一種療法,可用於新型冠狀病毒肺炎的預防與輔助治療。 Traditional Chinese Medicine Preventive Strategy Compiled by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Fight against the COVID-19 Worldwide Part I Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy At present, the pneumonia epidemic caused by the COVID-19 has become a global “pandemic”. People around the world should work together, fight against this epidemic, and build a community of shared destiny for human health. In China, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been actively involved in preventing and treating the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), which has played a unique role in the treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation. In the fight against the NCP, we summed up several effective, but easy-to-learn prevention methods, such as acupressure, moxibustion, intradermal needling, traditional Chinese exercise for health preservation, and so on. As one of the four earliest established TCM universities in China, Chengdu University of TCM is willing to introduce and share the prevention and treatment experience of TCM and provide people all over the world with a home protection regimen against NCP. The guidelines consist of two parts, including acupuncture and moxibustion therapy and traditional Chinese exercise for health preservation. Based on the characteristics of COVID-19 epidemic and successful cases from clinical practice in China, we recommend acupressure, moxibustion, auricular acupuncture therapy, intradermal acupuncture therapy, turtle longivity Qigong, eight section brocade (Ba Duan Jin), six accessible and convenient preventive methods, which are particularly suitable for public healthcare and rehabilitation of patients with mild cases of COVID-19 during the epidemic period. Part I Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy Acupressure is a very convenient method of self-treatment. TCM theory holds that pressure stimulation on acupoints can dredge the meridians, harmonize Yin and Yang, improve self-regulatory functions of the human body, and promote preventative health care. By applying a burning moxa strip to a specific area, moxibustion is a treatment modality that can significantly improve the immune function and can promote viral resistance, treat cough and wheezing, as well as soothe emotions, etc. Auricular acupuncture is a modality which stimulates special acupoints on the ear through pressure application of Semen Vaccariae beads, magnetic beads, etc., to activate qi and blood circulation, modulate the functions of Zang fu organs, relieve tension, and keep fit. Intradermal acupuncture, also known as needle-embedding therapy, is a therapy that a special needle is inserted into intracutaneous and required to retain for a specific duration, and apply pressure regularly to acquire a lasting simulation. It can be used for COVID-19 prevention and as an adjunct treatment. |
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