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Only the powerful can proclaim to be powerless
送交者: jingchen 2020年06月28日12:47:02 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

Only the powerful can proclaim to be powerless

The powerful dominate the media
Only the powerful can proclaim to be powerless
When the powerful are wronged once
The media air million times
When the powerless are wronged million times
The media may air once

The powerful control the government
Only the powerful can officiate their victim status
The powerful make laws to extract tributes
From the powerless for their supposed sin
The powerless make goods to pay tributes
To the powerful for their supposed victimhood

The powerful own the public opinion
Only the powerful can dole out reward and exact punishment
Many powerless kneel by the powerful

And call it stand by
They exalt the virtue of the powerful
They condemn the vice of the powerless

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