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The conservation law of energy
送交者: jingchen 2022年02月12日22:16:22 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

The conservation law of energy


This is a world of positive energy. I am not good at physics. I don’t know what is positive energy. But there seems to be a conservation law of energy. If there is a lot of positive energy in some place, there must be a lot of negative energy in some other place.


These several days, a lot of positive energy radiated from Beijing Olympic Game. From the mainstream media, there is not much negative energy around. But from the conservation law, there must be a lot of negative energy somewhere. Indeed, private media, or social media, leaked quite a lot of negative energy from Xuzhou, Jiasu Province.


The more positive energy in public, the more negative energy in private. The mainstream media may conceal negative energy with all their might. But it is there. This is the iron law of energy conservation.



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