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Redwood, Eureka and Klamath (August 4th)
送交者: jingchen 2022年08月10日08:37:20 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

Redwood, Eureka and Klamath (August 4th)

On the morning of August 4th, we left Clearlake Oaks and headed toward north. We drive through a small village called Leggett and drive through the drive through tree, a huge redwood tree carved out in the middle to be driven through by cars.

We drove further north and spent some time in Eureka, a port city used to be fabulous wealthy. Many huge mansions still stand there, testifying its past glory. Its library is very beautiful. But it only opens from 12 to 4, probably because of the lack of kids.

The beach at Eureka, facing Pacific Ocean, is long and terrific. I dipped into the water to enjoy the wave. But I didn’t go very far, being afraid of the huge waves. The sand is very hot under the sun. We feel and fear that our feet might be cooked. But the heat must be very therapeutic.

Eureka is such a beautiful and warm place. But it seems in decline. There aren’t many people there. We wonder why. 

Then we drive further north, stopping at the visitor center at Redwood National Park. There a guide told us a route to see giant redwood trees. We took a detour from highway 101 to  Newton Drury Scenic Parkway and saw many giant redwood trees. It is an amazing sight to see so many giant trees.

Giant trees used to be very common along the west coast. In Vancouver, we often see huge tree stumps. But never see any giant trees. They are all cut down as lumbers. Only in protected areas, these giants survive. 

We settled in at Klamath River RV Park for the night. Our campsite is by the Klamath River. The next morning, I dipped into the river for the morning bath. The water is very warm, surprisingly and comfortably warm.


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