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Fine Structure Constant
送交者: jingchen 2022年10月24日06:40:55 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

Fine structure constant

There are many physical interpretations of the fine structure constant. The existence of many interpretations indicates the broad implications of this constant. The following interpretation is probably the simplest.

The fine structure constant is the ratio of the wave lengths between matter waves and electromagnetic waves with the same frequency. This means that the energy of both matter waves and electromagnetic waves can be represented by the same formula E = hv. This also means that the frequency of waves is persevered during the transformation between matter wave and electromagnetic wave.

This interpretation is also the most informative interpretation to me.

The fine structure constant is the most mysterious number, some said. But it is no more mysterious, and no less mysterious, than the Planck constant. These two constants are tied together.

Read more about the fine structure constant. See why a slight change of this number will make the universe very different.

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