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A Tourist from Heaven
送交者: jingchen 2022年12月28日07:27:01 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

A Tourist from Heaven

I am a tourist from Heaven
Visiting Earth for a short time

There is no shortage in Heaven
I had no longing for anything
There is no animosity in Heaven
I never got animated
There is no hunger in Heaven
I never had a hearty meal
There is no deprivation in Heaven
I never got satisfied
There is no jealousy in Heaven
I never felt the passion for love
There is no sadness in Heaven
I never knew what happiness is
There is no danger in Heaven
I never had any adventure
There is no fighting in Heaven
I never experienced adrenaline rush
There is no uncertainty in Heaven
I never had any expectation
There is no disappointment in Heaven
I never had any hope
There is no ignorance in Heaven
I never learn anything new

I am a tourist from Heaven
I have to enjoy every day on Earth

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