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How many people died from COVID?
送交者: jingchen 2022年12月30日10:17:17 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

How many people died from COVID?

How many people died from COVID? Well, it depends on who does the statistics. 

For governments on the road to authoritarian rule, they made the numbers as large as possible. With emergency, they can invoke Emergencies Act to quash any dissenting voices. For governments already achieving authoritarian rule, they made the numbers as small as possible. It demonstrates the superiority of their rule. 

For several years, the official death toll from China has been extremely low. Then, bodies pile up inside and line up miles outside funeral houses all over China. The official death counts become increasingly comic, as the situation on the ground becomes increasingly tragic. At a time when people want to know the death toll most, the government stopped announcing the death statistics.

If the numbers are determined by the big bosses anyway, why don’t the big bosses make up and write down the numbers themselves? Well, that wouldn’t be scientific. The governments have to hire the most expensive experts, employ the most advanced computers, apply the most sophisticated models, and engage the most complex processes. The trashier their numbers are, the more elaborate their decorations will be.

The angry public demand the experts to shut up their mouths. But the experts are hired to tell lies. The bigger lie they tell, the better they get paid. They will never shut up.

What can we do? We simply have to ignore the experts. We can observe for ourselves. We can think for ourselves. 

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